
Destinacija Destination Cyprus » Kipar | 97 BIRTHPLACE OF APHRODITE Where myth, history and modernity blend harmoniously Sportski raj: jedrenje i ronjenje – biciklizam i planinarstvo Nema bolje motivacije za profesionalne ili amaterske sportiste od treninga u blagoj klimi u kombinaciji sa prelepimmediteranskim okruženjem. Zbog toga sportski timovi i entuzijasti širom sveta, poput biciklista, ljubitelja jedrenja ili jedrenja na dasci, osvajača medalja, olimpijskih nada i fudbalskih ekipa, biraju Kipar. Raj za ronioce, ostrvo privlači entuzijaste zahvaljujući brodskim olupinama i raznovrsnommorskom životu. Ostrvo ima više od 70mesta za ronjenje i nudi jedinstvena podvodna iskustva: drevne olupine, amfore i kamena sidra, spektakularne pećine i egzotične podvodne vrste. Aktivnosti u plovidbi i krstarenju ima u izobilju, uključujući uvek popularno skijanje na vodi, surfovanje i paraglajding, koji obogaćuje fantastičan spektar mogućnosti za razonodu. Sa izazovnim terenom i prelepim pejzažima, nije ni čudo što je Kipar omiljen u amaterskom i takmičarskom biciklizmu. Teren ostrva može preći od stenovitog do glinenog i strmog do ravničarskog, sve u krugu od 10 kilometara, a najveća korist od planinskog biciklizma leži upravo u stalnoj promeni pejzaža. SPORTS PARADISE SAILING &DIVING CYCLING&HIKING There is no better motivation for professional or amateur athletes than to train in amild climate with beautiful Mediterranean surroundings. This is why sports teams and enthusiasts fromaround the world, including cyclists, lovers of sailing or wind-surfing, seasonedmedallists, Olympic hopefuls and football squads choose Cyprus to ensure they have a competitive advantage. As a diver’s paradise, Cyprus attracts enthusiasts thanks to its top-ranking shipwrecks and diversemarine life. The island has over 70 diving sites that offer unique underwater experiences: ancient wrecks, amphora and stone anchors, spectacular caves and exotic underwater species. Yachting and cruising activities abound, including the ever-popular water-skiing, surfboarding and paragliding, which truly enrich the leisuremosaic. With a challenging terrain and beautiful scenery, it is no wonder that Cyprus is a firm favourite for leisurely and competitive cycling. The island’s rugged character ensures that the terrain can switch from rocky to clay, and fromsteep to flat, within a range of just 10km. The greatest benefit of mountain biking here lies in the constant change of scenery. FOTO Š PHOTOGRAPHY’ COURTESY OF CYPRUS DP. MINISTRY OF TOURISM