
20 | ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? – Volim avione zato što veliki deo moje bliže familije živi van Srbije, jedan deo porodice mi je u Švedskoj, a ostali su u Španiji. Mnogo mi znači što postoje ove jeftine karte, tako da mogu da ih posećujem bez opterećenja. Mnogo mi se dopada i to što su avioni dobili imena po nekim značajnim ljudima iz naše sredine. BEZ ČEGA NE ULAZITE U AVION? – Nikada ne ulazim bez jedne brojanice koju sam odredio da je srećka i da mi služi za put. Ne moram da je imam u ruci, ali je tu uz mene. KOJI PUT VAM JE OSTAO U NEZABORAVNOM SEĆANJU? – Potpuno sam raspamećen Tajlandom. Ja sam doživeo taj put kao da nisam otišao u drugu zemlju, nego na drugu planetu. Bio sam u Bangkoku i Pataji, i svakome ko ima priliku da ode tamo toplo bih preporučio tu destinaciju. Klima, ljudi, kultura, hrana, sve me je opčinilo. Potpuna druga vrsta komunikacije, zato sam to doživeo kao drugu planetu. ZAŠTOVOLITE BEOGRAD? – Beograd obožavam zato što mi je sve pružio, kao što sam ja njemu sve svoje pružio. Dao mi je obrazovanje, prijatelje, pružio mi je žene, decu. Apsolutno sve mi je dao i ja ne mogu da imam neki drugi odnos prema njemu osim zaljubljenosti. Ja sam zaljubljen u Beograd. Sećam se scene kada sam se vraćao iz vojske, koju sam služio u Zemunu, bio sam u taksiju i prelazio Brankov most. Pomislio sam u sebi – e, Beograde, sad si moj! SAAVIONIMA MI JECELA PORODICABLIZU IRFANMENSUR, GLUMAC/ACTOR WITHPLANESALL MY FAMILY ISCLOSE WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES? - I love planes because a large part of my close family lives outside Serbia. One part of my family is in Sweden, while the rest are in Spain. It means a lot to me that these cheap tickets exist, so I can visit themwithout being burdened. I also really like the fact that the planes have been named after some important people from our area. WHAT DON’T YOU BOARD A PLANE WITHOUT? - I never bord without a rosary, which I’ve determined as being lucky and as serving me for journeys. I don’t need to have it in my hand, but it’s there with me. WHICH DESTINATION HAS REMAINED IN YOUR MEMORY? - I’m completely blown away by Thailand. I experienced that journey not as though I’d gone to another country, but another planet. I was in Bangkok and Pattaya, and I would warmly recommend this destination to anyone who has the opportunity to go there. The climate, people, culture, food, I was mesmerised by everything. There’s a completely di erent kind of communication, which is why I experienced it as another planet. WHY DO YOU LOVE BELGRADE? - I adore Belgrade, because it o ered me everything, just as I o ered it all of myself. It gave me an education, friends, a wife, children. It gave me absolutely everything, and I can have no other relationship towards it than one of being in love. I’m in love with Belgrade. I remember the scene when I returned from serving in the army in Zemun. I was in a taxi and as I crossed Branko’s Bridge I thought to myself - well, Belgrade, now you’re mine! NA PUTU / ON THE ROAD – ao m t p t i e I e Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/ Photography: Goran Srdanov