
Beograd Hrišćanstvo u Irskoj i Srbiji Izložba na otvorenom, u divnom prostoru Savamale, na obali Save, biće u okviru Beogradskog irskog festivala, dostupna publici do 15. aprila, a predstavlja primere i značenje hrišćanskih građevina i simbola u crkvenoj umetnosti u Irskoj i Srbiji. Uprkos veoma različitim kontekstima u prošlosti, kao i velikoj udaljenosti, gde je jedna država ostrvo okruženo okeanom, a druga bez pristupa moru, ali pozicionirana na jednom od najznačajnijih evropskih raskršća, na prikazanim fotografijama vide se ipak velike sličnosti u arhitekturi manastirskih kompleksa, kula i zvonika, kamene plastike, isposnica i skitova, iluminiranih knjiga, nakita. Sve to upućuje na transevropske uticaje hrišćanstva u toku srednjeg veka (5–15. vek). Neki simboli, kao što je keltski krst (sa kružnom pozadinom), neverovatno podsećaju na pravoslavni ravnokraki krst, koji je u srpskom pejzažu opšteprisutan. Izložba nam predočava sličnosti između ova dva primera hrišćanstva udaljenih evropskih kultura, koje vidimo čak i kroz pejzaže oblikovane duhovnim podsticajima. Belgrade Representations and manifestations of christianity This open-air exhibition in the beautiful location of Savamala, on the bank of the river Sava, is available to the public within the scope of the Belgrade Irish Festival until 15th April and presents medieval representations and manifestations of Christianity in the church art of Ireland and Serbia Despite very different historical contexts and the vast distances separating them, with one a remote island nation surrounded by an ocean and the other landlocked but strategically located on of one of Europe’s most important crossroads, the images presented nevertheess show strong parallels between Christian monastic complexes, towers and belfries, stone sculptures, anchorites, illuminating books and jewellery. All of this points to the transEuropean influence of Christianity during the medival period (5th to 15th centuries). Some symbols, such as Ireland’s Celtic cross (enveloped in a circle), bear a striking resemblance to the Orthodox cross commonly seen across the landscape in Serbia. The Exhibition shows us close similarities between aspects of these two distant European cultures’ representation of Christianity that we even see through landscapes shaped by formative religious forces. IZABRALI SMO ZA VAS WE’VE SELECTED FOR YOU