
Flying is better when you do not wait for your luggage Leteti je lepše… … kad ne čekate prtljag Are you already running late and don’t have time to wait for your luggage to appear on the baggage collection conveyor belt? Mark your luggage with a “Priority” label. This service ensures your luggage will be delivered immediately to the baggage collection point. Već kasnite, svaka sekunda je dragocena i nemate kad da čekate da vam prtljag izađe na traci? Er Srbija ima rešenje. Označite svoj prtljag nalepnicom Prioritet . Ta usluga znači da će vaš kofer na traku biti isporučen odmah na početku. E S / A S 112 | Promocija ženskogpreduzetništvauPrivrednoj komori Srbije Promotionofwomen’s entrepreneurshipat theCCIS SPOSOBNE IHRABREŽENE OSTVARUJUSVOJESNOVE Privrednoj komori Srbije održana je konferencija za medije posvećena promociji ženskogpreduzetništva, a prisutnima se obratila Branislava Simanić, direktorka sektora preduzetništva Privredne komore Srbije, koja je podsetila da je sektor preduzetništva PKS-a u saradnji sa kompanijom Er Srbija organizovao akciju povodom 8. marta, kada su članice sekcije PKS-a obezbedile poklone. – Ovakva akcija je značajna i ima za cilj promovisanje ženskog preduzetništva, a jedna od aktivnosti sektora preduzetništva PKS-a je osnaživanje žena, njihovo umrežavanje i promovisanje, što je nešto na čemu ćemo raditi i u narednom periodu – rekla je Simanićeva. Maja Šotra, direktorka marketinga Er Srbije, zahvalila se Privrednoj komori Srbije jer je prepoznala da žene danas u Srbiji imaju mnogomogućnosti i da ne postoji granica do koje mogu da idu. –Preduzetnicekojesuseokupile oko ovogprojekta suupravo one žene koje su uspele u ostvarivanju svojih snova kroz izgradnju svojih sopstvenih biznisa. Mi smo, zahvaljujućidonacijamakojesuoneodlučiledadaju8.martanašimputnicamanasvimletovima,dalipopoklon i takoposlali porukuda žene danas imaju veliku podršku u ostvarivanju svojih ciljeva – izjavila je Šotra. U ime sekcije za žensko preduzetništvoPKS-a,prisutnimaseobratilapreduzetnicaBiljanaLazarević,koja je rekla da je njoj lično bilo veliko zadovoljstvo da organizuje deset ženadaprikupepoklone. Lazarevićeva sezahvalilaPrivednojkomoriSrbijei kompaniji Er Srbija na divnoj akciji. U CAPABLE AND COURAGEOUS WOMEN REALISE THEIR DREAMS press conference was held at the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Serbia (CCIS) dedicated to the promotion of women’s entrepreneurship. Those in attendance were addressed by Branislava Simanić, Director of the Entrepreneurship Sector of the CCIS, who reminded that this CCIS sector, in cooperation with Air Serbia, organised a campaign on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 8th March, which sawmembers of this CCIS sector provide gifts for female passengers. “This kind of campaign is important to the aim of promoting female entrepreneurship, and one of the activities of the CCIS Entrepreneurship Sector is the empowerment of women, networking and promoting them, which is something we’ll also work on in the period ahead,” said Simanić. Marketing Director Šotra thanked the CCIS for “recognising that women in Serbia today have many opportunities and that there are no limits to where they can go”. “Entrepreneurs gathered together around this project are actuallywomenwho’ve succeeded in realising their dreams by building their own businesses. Thanks to the donations that they decided to give, on 8th Marchwe gave our lady passengers on all ights a gift each, thus sending themessage that women today have great support in achieving their goals,” said Šotra. Speaking on behalf of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Sector of the CCISS, lady entrepreneur Biljana Lazarević addressed those in attendance, saying that for her personally it was “very satisfying to organise ten women to collect gifts”. Lazarević thanked the CCIS and Air Serbia for such a wonderful campaign. A Privredna Komora Srbije Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Serbia