
100 | Ovaj inteligentni i provokativni umetnik iz Italije prvi put je posetio Beograd 2009. godine. Radio je širom sveta, ali najupečatljivije murale ostavljao je u Latinskoj Americi i Evropi. On očigledno poseduje poseban osećaj za mesto i prostor jer gde god se pojavi, uspeva da za veoma kratko vreme odgonetne šta je to što taj grad i njegove stanovnike muči. Upravo zbog toga smatraju ga kontroverznim, pa mu gradske vlasti nisu uvek naklonjene, ali nasuprot njima, građani ga obožavaju jer je jedan od retkih koji prikazuju realnost u njenom najsurovijem obliku. Mi smo dobili grad koji je pojeo svoje zelenilo. To nije samo jednostavna izjava: „Nemate dovoljno drveća“, već ukazuje na suštinske probleme i ekološku zaostalost. Može se reći da je ovo jedan od najznačajnijih murala koji su ikada oslikani u Beogradu. BLU, , POP LUKINA RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OFTHE CITY This intelligent and provocative Italian artist visited Belgrade for the rst time in 2009. He’s worked all over the world, but left his most memorable murals in Latin America and Europe. He obviously possesses a special sense for places and spaces, because wherever he appears he succeeds, in a very short period of time, to gure out what troubles the city and its inhabitants. It is precisely for this reason that he’s considered controversial, meaning city authorities are not always accommodating towards him, while in contrast citizens adore him, because he is among the few who portray reality in its rawest form. We got a city that’s eating its greenery. This is not just the simple statement “you don’t have enough trees”, but rather highlights an essential problem and ecological backwardness. This can be said to be one of the most important murals ever painted in Belgrade. BLU, 2009, POP LUKINA 6