
36 | Dokumentarci » Documentaries KULTURA / CULTURE ters –Us +Them’, co-directed by Sean Evans and Roger Waters, one of the founders of this famous band. This film represents an important audio-visual documenting of the sensational, sold-out ‘Us + Them’ world tour, during which Waters gave 157 performances, attended by more than 2.3 million people worldwide, over the course of 20 months. Alongside these titles, the festival will also present works by other great documentarians, such as ‘Minamata Mandala’ by Kazuo Hara, ‘WarandPeace’ byMassimoD'Anolfi andMartina Parenti, ‘TheNewGospel’ byMiloRau, as well as the powerful voices of young filmmakers, with the likes of Khalik Allah's ‘I Walk on Water’, Shengze Zhu’s ‘A River Runs, Turns, Erases, Replaces’, theRoss brothers’ ‘BloodyNose, Empty Pockets’, or the controversial and banned ‘Silent voice’ by Reka Valerik. Publika će videti film oMihailu Gorbačovu naslovljen jednostavno Gorbačov. Raj The audience will watch the film about Mikhail Gorbachev entitled simply ‘Gorbachev. Heaven’ U amfiteatru ispred Muzeja Jugoslavije biće prikazan film Fejt i Branko u režiji Ketrin Hart In the amphitheatre of the Museum of Yugoslavia, a screening of the film ‘Faith and Branko’, directed by Catherine Harte, will be featured A za sve ljubitelje muzike i vizije benda Pink Flojd interesantan ćebiti filmRodžerVoters:Mi +Oni u zajedničkoj režiji Šona Evansa i samog Rodžera Votersa, jednog od osnivača čuvenog benda, značajnog audio-vizuelnog zapisa sa senzacionalne rasprodate svetske turneje Us + Them, tokom koje je Voters za 20 meseci održao 157 nastupa pred više od od 2,3 miliona ljudi širom sveta. Poredovihnaslova, na festivalu će biti zastupljeni i drugi velikanidokumentaristikefilmovimakao što su Minamata Mandala Kazua Hare, Rat i mir Masima d’Anolfija iMartine Parenti, Novo jevanđelje MilaRaua, kao imladi autori snažnihglasovafilmovimaJahodampo vodi Kalika Alaha, Reka teče, zaokreće, briše, zamenjuje Šenže Žu, Krvav nos, prazni džepovi braće Ros ili kontroverzni i zabranjivani Nemi glas Reke Valerik.