
112 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia NASLEĐE / HER I TAGE UPRKOS SVIMVAŽNIMČINJENICAMA, JEDNA JE posebno izdvojila Međunarodno vazdušno pristanište Beograd, zvanično otvoreno 1927. godine. Početkom 1926. godine projektovanje hangara i ostalih betonskih konstrukcija dobio je kao zadatak inženjer Milutin Milanković, jedan od najpoznatijih srpskih i svetskih naučnika. Bio je prvi Srbin koji je stekao diplomu građevinskog inženjera, a takođe i naš prvi doktor građevinskih nauka. U to vreme armirani beton je bio nov građevinski materijal i Milanković je bio među prvim stručnjacima koji su uveli matematičko modelovanje. Tek otvaranjem ovog prestoničkog aerodroma Kraljevina SHS je u punom kapacitetu ispunila obavezu preuzetu 1919. godine potpisivanjem Konvencije o međunarodnom vazdušnom saobraćaju, a Beograd je mogao u potpunosti da iskoristi svoj povoljan položaj na vazdušnim raskrsnicama sveta. Raspolagao je sa četiri travnate poletno-sletne staze, sa kojih od 1928. poleću i avioni prve domaće avio-kompanije Aeroput . Na njemu je 1931. godine izgrađena moderna pristanišna zgrada, a 1936. ugrađena je i oprema za sletanje pri slaboj vidljivosti. Samo jedan deo Milankovićevog hangara ostao je da stoji na mestu gde je otvoren Erport siti (Airport City). Tamo gde su nekada rolali avioni, danas su parkirani automobili, ali je taj deo hangara devedesetih godina 20. veka stavljen pod zaštitu države kao kulturno dobro. Da svedoči o prošlim vremenima, o znanju i napretku, o genijalnosti Milutina Milankovića. DESPITE ALL THE MANY IMPORTANT FACTS WHENIT comes to thefirst Belgrade airport, there is one that sets itself apart. That is the fact that the job of designing the hangars and other concrete structures in early1926was assigned to engineerMilutinMilanković, one of the most famous Serbian scientists around the world. He was the first Serb to earn a degree in civil engineering, and also the country’s first doctor of construction science. At the time of the project, reinforced concrete was a new construction material and Milanković was among the first experts to introduce mathematical modelling. It was onlywith the opening of the capital's airport that the then Kingdomof Serbs, Croats and Slovenes fully satisfied the obligation it had taken onwith the 1919 signing of theConvention on International Air Traffic, while Belgradewas able to take full advantage of its favourable position at aworld aviation crossroads. It had four grass runways and the aircraft of the first domestic airline, Aeroput, began departing from the newairport as of February 1928. Amodern terminal buildingwas built there in 1931. Then, in 1936, equipment was installed to enable landing under conditions of poor visibility. Only one of theMilanković hangars remains standing, on the site of today’s Airport City Belgrade business park. Cars are nowparkedwhere planes once rolled, but the sectionwith the hangar was placed under state protection as amonument of culture in the 1990s and stands as a testament to bygone times, knowledge and progress, and the genius of Milanković. 1926. HANGAR I BETONSKE KONSTRUKCIJE MILUTINAMILANKOVIĆA THEHANGARSANDOTHERCONCRETE STRUCTURESOFMILUTINMILANKOVIĆ Foto: iStock / Science Photo Library / Sciencephoto