
September » Septembar | 107 Septembar September Rođena je Agata Kristi Meri Klarisa Agata Miler, kasnije poznata kao Agata Kristi, rođena je 15. septembra 1890. u Engleskoj. Svoj prvi krimi roman Misteriozna afera u Stajlsu objavila je 1920, u kom je predstavila belgijskog detektiva Herkula Poaroa, koji će se pojaviti u još 25 romana tokom narednih 25 godina. Roman je postigao skroman uspeh, ali Agata nastavila je da piše. Ubistvo Rodžera Akrojda (1926) postalo je bestseler, i ona je do kraja života uživala u fenomenalnom uspehu. Za viteza je proglašena 1971, a umrla je 1976, samo godinu dana nakon što je ubila Poaroa u romanu Zavesa. Poaro je 6. avgusta 1975. godine u Njujork tajmsu dobio čitulju na naslovnoj strani. Do svoje smrti Kristi je prodala više od 400 miliona primeraka knjiga na više od 100 jezika. AGATHA CHRISTIE BORN Mary Clarissa Agatha Miller, later known as Agatha Christie, was born in England on 15th September 1890. It was in 1920 that she published her first mystery novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, featuring Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, who would appear in 25 more novels during the next quarter of a century. The novel enjoyed modest success and she continued writing. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926) became a bestseller, and she enjoyed phenomenal success for the rest of her life. She was made a Dame in 1971 and died in 1976, just a year after she killed off Poirot in the novel Curtain. Poirot received a front-page obituary in the New York Times edition of 6th August 1975. By the time Christie died, more than 400 million copies of her books had been sold in more than 100 languages. Smells Like Teen Spirit Morali ste biti deo prilično male supkulturne grupe ljubitelja muzike da biste čuli za Nirvanu pre jeseni 1991. Apsolutno niko, ni najveći obožavaoci benda, a svakako ni sami članovi, nisu mogli da sanjaju veličinu onoga što ce se uskoro dogoditi. Za samo nekoliko meseci grupa koja je bila potpuno komercijalno nepoznata postaje u jednom trenutku najvažniji rok bend na svetu. Transformacija je počela 10. septembra 1991, objavljivanjem singla Smells Like Teen Spirit . Dobili smo Nirvanu… „SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT“ You either had to be part of a fairly small subculture of music fans or a professional on the business side of the music industry to have heard of Nirvana before the autumn of 1991. Absolutely no one—not Nirvana’s biggest fans and certainly not the band-members themselves— suspected the magnitude of what was about to happen. In just a few short months, a group that was a complete nonentity to the mainstreammusic-buying public would become the planet’s most important rock band. The transformation began on 10th September 1991, with the release of Nirvana’s landmark single, “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Agata je umrla 1976, samo godinu dana nakon što je ubila Poaroa u romanu Zavesa Agatha died in 1976, just a year after she killed off Poirot in the novel Curtain 1 0 . SE P T EMBAR / SE P T EMB ER 1 99 1 . 1 5 . SE P T EMBAR / SE P T EMB ER 1 890 .