
| 57 Aki Rahimovski, pevač rok grupe Parni valjak, praši balkanskom rok scenom 44 godine. Iako upisan u rok legende bivše Jugoslavije, o sebi ne govori kao o zvezdi jer on je samo jurio svoj dečački san da bude muzičar. Najradije sluša rokenrol i privilegovan je okruženjem dobrih muzičara i još boljih ljudi. Ubeogradskoj „Štark areni“ 9. novembra održaćete koncert, umesecuu kom„Parni valjak“ proslavlja44 godine postojanja, u graduu kojemste imali premijerni koncert. Kad se prisetite početaka karijere, koje ste snove sanjali i čemu ste se nadali? – Sanjali smo upravo ovo što nam se i danas događa. Da sviramo, putujemo, da imamo iza sebe ljude koji vole to što radimo. Postoji li veća balkanska pozornica na kojoj niste nastupali, a rado biste? – Ne mogu se setiti da negde nismo bili, mislim da takva pozornica ne postoji. HuseinHasanefendićHus,jedanodosnivača „Parnogvaljka“, ivistevišedecenijskiprijatelji i kolege…Trajete tolikedecenije, kako? – Naš odnos neka i dalje, kao sve ove godine, ostane samo naš. Zajedno smo 44 godine. Mislim da je to odgovor. Znate li koliko „Parni valjak“ ima ukupno objavljenih pesama? – Ne znam tačan broj. Mnogo :) Kad ste osetili da vamse život zauvekmenja jer ste postali zvezda? – Nisam osetio jer se nije mnogo promenio. Pitanje je i šta znači biti zvezda, pogotovo u okruženju u kojem živimo. Koje svetske rokere volite da slušate? – Širok je spektar, mnogo je imena, pevača i bendova. Izdvajati ponaosob ne mogu, jer ću nekoga zaboraviti. Srećom, ceo život sam okružen dobrommuzikom. Kako vam izgleda današnja rok scena bivše Jugoslavije? – Drago mi je videti, uslovno rečeno, staru gardu, da još praši svom snagom. Koji savet dajete mladim pevačima i muzičarima? – Sledite svoj san, bez mnogo kalkulacija i kompromisa. Da li je danas mladim rokerima lakše ili teže nego kad ste vi počinjali? – Svako vreme nosi svoje breme. Današnje je potpuno drugačije. Definitivno je sada lakše ljudima da predstave to što rade. Postoji mnogo društvenih platformi za to. Nekada je plasiranje bilo teže. Imate li u Beogradu omiljenomesto za izlazak? – U Beogradu se uvek lepo osećamo! Imamo mnogo prijatelja, imamo nekoliko svojih mesta gde uvek svratimo. Mogu vam reći, ne možemo dočekati svirku u „Štark areni“! Kad ste bili dečak, o kojoj profesiji stemaštali? –- Upravo o ovoj! Slušao sam bendove koji su nam bili dostupni, nije bilo lako dopreti do onoga što se sluša u inostranstvu. Zato je bilo slađe. Kako najradije provodite slobodno vreme? – Često putujem, pa volim da slobodno vreme provodim odmarajući se. Dobar film, utakmica ili knjiga. Šta vam je popularnost donela i odnela u životu? – Odnela mi nije ništa, a donela mi je mnogo lepih stvari. Zadovoljan sam kako je sve ispalo. Aki Rahimovski, lead singer of rock band Parni Valjak, has been sweeping up on the Balkanmusic scene for 44 years. Althoughhe’s inscribedas a legendof ex-YUrock, hedoesn’t talk about himself as a star, because he’s just been chasing his boyhood dream of being a musician. He prefers listening to rock ‘n’ roll and considers himself privileged to be surrounded by good musicians and even better people. You will be staging a concert at Belgrade’s Štark Arena on 8th November, duringamonthwhenParni Valjak is celebrating its 44th anniversary, in the city where you had your rst concert. When you recall the beginnings of your career, what were you dreaming of achieving and what did you hope for? -We dreamt of exactlywhat’s happening to us today. To perform, to travel, to have people behind us who love what we do. Is there amajor stage in the Balkans where you haven’t performed and would like to? - I can’t rememberusnothavingbeensomewhere; I don’t think that such a stage exists. Husein “Hus” Hasanefendić, one of the founders of Parni Valjak, hasbeenyour friendandcolleague for decades...Howhaveyoukeptgoingfor somanydecades? - Let our relationship remain only our, as it has all these years. We’ve been together for 44 years. I think that’s the answer. Doyouknowthe total number of Parni Valjak songs that have been released? - I don’t know the exact number. Lots :) Whendid you feel that your life had changed forever, because you’d become a star? - I didn’t feel that because it hasn’t changedmuch. The question is also what it means to be a star, particularly in the environment in which we live. Which world rock stars do you like to listen to? - There’s a wide spectrum, full of names, singers andbands. I can’t single out individuals, because I will forget someone. Fortunately, I’vebeen surroundedby good music throughout my life. How do you see today’s ex-YU rock scene? - I’m glad to see that the so-called old guard is still sweeping all aside with its might. What advice do you give to young singers and musicians? - Followyour dream,withoutmany calculations andcompromises. Is it today easier or tougher for young rockers today than it was when you were starting out? - Every time carries its own weight. Today’s times are completely di erent. It’s de nitely easier now to present what you’re doing to people. There are many social platforms for that. Marketing used to be harder. Do you have a favourite place for going out in Belgrade? - We always feel good in Belgrade! We have many friends, and a few places where we always drop in. And I can tell you that we can’t wait for the gig at the BG Arena! What professiondidyou fantasiseaboutwhenyouwereaboy? - Exactly this one! I listened to the bands that were available to us; it wasn’t easy to access what was being listened to abroad. That’s why it was sweeter. How do you like to spend your free time? - I travel often, so I like to spend my free time relaxing. A good lm, sports match or book. Whathaspopularitybroughtyouanddeprivedyouof inyourlife? - It took nothing away fromme, and brought memany beautiful things. I’m satis ed with the way everything turned out. VREME Koji su planovi grupe? – Novi CD Vreme izdali smo nedavno, publika ga je veoma dobro prihvatila. Sviramo gotovo ceo album na koncertima. Radili smo ga vrlo dugo i predano i zato je rezultat takav. Turneja traje i trajaće do velikog zagrebačkog koncerta, 18. aprila 2020. TIME What are the group’s plans? - We recently released the new CD “Vrijeme” [Time], and it was very well received by the audience. We play almost the entire album at our concerts. We worked on it for a very long time and with dedication, and that’s why we have such a result. The tour is underway, and will last until the major concert in Zagreb on 18th April 2020. Tekst/Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije/Photography: Marko Đoković