
104 | DEVOJKASLUBENICOM UKNEZMILETINOJ GIRLWITHWATERMELON AT KNEZMILETINA 10 RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OFTHE CITY Mladi ulični umetnik i muralsta Dejan Ivanović Wuper u svojoj umetničkoj praksi insistira na klasičnom slikarskom postupku. Studiozan i temeljan pristup motivu koji ga u poslednjoj fazi rada okupira – portretu i figuri, čini njegove murale izuzetno moćnim sredstvom transformacije prostora. Sasvim „obične“ lepote, neformalno odevena, lišena suvišne poetizacije, Wuperova devojka sa lubenicom, smeštena tik uz baletsku školu i Bajlonijevu pijacu, istovremeno fascinira svojom monumentalnošću i raznežuje univerzalnošću lepote ulovljenog trenutka – kraja leta, predaha i mladosti. Young street artist and muralist Dejan Ivanović Wuper insists on a classic painting process in his artistic practise. A meticulous and thorough approach to the theme that occupies him in the last phase of his work – portrait and gure – ensures that his murals are an extremely powerful means of transforming space. Completely “ordinary” beauty, informally dressed, devoid of super uous poetics, Wuper’s girl with a watermelon, located right next to the ballet school and Bajloni Market, simultaneously fascinates with its monumentality and moves the observer with the universality of the beauty of the “captured”moment – the demise of summer, respite and youth.