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Movie » Film | 53 Foto: Profimeadia.rs / Jasin Boland/Marvel Studios / Hollywood Archive Tekst/Words: Viktor Vilotijević Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs i kao ljubavnu priču. – Kada sam se priključio Marvelovom univerzumu, želeo sam da mu pristupim malo drugačije, uz još više kolorita, ali i emocija i iskrenosti, kao i da unesem još zahtevnije glume, jer sebe smatram jednimodnajlenjih živih glumaca, međutim, iako jemojaulogaKorga glasovna, a lik animiran, rad u kostimu u kojemsambio je bio pravi izazov, tako da samse provredneo i stvarno glumio, te nije bio samo akcenat i šegačenje – kaže on. Vaititi je takođe i koautor scenarija, koji je napisao sa Dženifer Kejtin Robinson, za koju je rekao da je izvanredna scenaristkinja, ali da je i želeo da se ženski deo priče, aludirajući na lik Portmanove (Džejn Foster), ispriča bolje. To se može protumačiti kao i želja da se feministički ton kojima Marvelovi filmovi obiluju u skorije vreme podigne na sledeći nivo, nakon ne tako dobro prihvaćenih Kapetana Marvela i Večnih. Film je, poput većine ostvarenja snimanih u toku pandemije kovida-19, preživeo produkcioni pakao, pa je umesto originalnih lokacija u Americi i Britaniji, sniman od januara do juna 2021. u Australiji, nakon čega je premijera pomerana čak četiri puta. Marvel i Dizni u Ljubavi i gromu vide svoj filmleta, koji će zasigurno biti 11. koji će premašiti svotu od milijardu dolara. Nakon Tora do kraja godine očekuje nas nastavak Crnog pantera – Vakanda zauvek, a u 2023. zasad četiri filma – Antmen i osa: Kvantumanija, Čuvari galaksije 3, Marveli i Fantastičnačetvorka.Među projektima na kojima Marvel i Dizni trenutno rade, a koji su u fazi pretprodukcije, nalaze se i Blejd, nastavak KapetanaMarvela, kao i nastavak Šeng Čija i legende o deset prstenova. T hor : Love and T hunde r Return of the god of thunder Much of Thor’s popularity can be attributed to the popularity of Chris Hemsworth, who’s become one of Hollywood’s top sex symbols over the years, but who also has a charismatic nature that’s attracted plenty of attention After fifteen years and, to date, 29 films (the 30th, the Black Panther sequel, is set to be released in November) and 20 series, Marvel undoubtedly sits on the throne of the commercial film industry, if for no other reason than the fact that as many as 10 of those 29 films have generated global earnings exceeding a billion dollars. 2019’s Avengers: Endgame is the second highest-grossing film of all time, having banked $2.8 billion (just behind Avatar, with just $50 million more). Thor is definitely one Marvel character whose popularity has grown constantly fromfilmto film, with Love and Thunder being the fourth standalone film about this Norse god. Judging by early ticket sales, its popularity could even surpass that of Top Gun: Maverick and JurassicWorld: Dominion, despite the first of these having become the biggest surprise of the year and that fact it will have earned close to $500 million in the U.S. alone by the time ofThor’s release, which is rarely (if ever) achieved by action movies that aren’t part of a franchise. On one side, the prevailing opinion is that Marvel films are too mainstream and target a very average audience, while so many of them are shot that they funnel huge sums of money and bring together “all-star” casts, but the increasing quality of the scripts has been noticeable from IronMan onwards.The Avengers series was per-