
98 | lju, treba mi dva dana. Uglavnom koriste kosovski bod, koji se razlikuje po tamnom opšivu. Konac se ne provlači ispod, već se samo hvata za krajeve. Jeste teže tako raditi, ali vez je, kažu, lepši. Prenosi se sa kolena na koleno, a mnoge od njih su raznim tehnikama učile jedna drugu. I sve one su u svaki porub, svaki bod svojih sukanja i košulja utkale mnogo besanih noći i mnogo ljubavi. Đidosledećegodine slavi 40godinapostojanja, zatoovepredane, vrednedameuvelikoplanirajudarekonstruišuoriginalnestare nošnje koje se koriste za šopske igre. – To su vrlo stari komadi sa specifičnim trakama i ukrasima, pasunekečlanicePrela većbilenaobuci kakobi stručno i kvalitetno rekonstruisalenošnje–pričaSnežanaSekulić. Budući da je nošnja u ansamblu koji intenzivno nastupa svuda u regionu i u inostranstvupotrošna, one stalno šijubluze, suknje, štrikajučarape, dodatnošlingaju jeleke. SvetlanaGlavaški (43)otkrivada jujesin, koji igrauĐidu, pokrenuokada joj seprenekolikogodinapožaliodanemajuučemuda igraju.Doknas ispraća, prisećase tihprvihsukanja koje su radile pred jedan nastup Đida... – Mi ih tada još nismo videle na sceni, ali sin mi je javio posle njihovog koncerta u Mađarskoj: „Mama, vaše šljokicepravečuda na bini. Kad se upale reflektori, suknje izgledaju kao žar-ptice.“ It was on the holiday of Candlemas four yearsagothatSnežanaSekulić, 43, invited all of her friends and acquaintances wholovehandicraftsandsuggestedthat they create costumes for members of the Cultural-ArtisticAssociation“Đido”, ofwhich Snežana is thepresident.Andtheresultwas magical.Fromthebeginning, initiallywithsix or seven of them, but nowwith 51, they’ve sewn and crocheted costumes for the ensemble. Since then, they’ve been organising needlework at Snežana’s home, where they also welcomed us. We are awaited from the door by the soundof the rustlingof beautiful skirts and the glare of golden thread on shirts. Every costume is a miniature artwork. Snežana’s home is also full of women’s chatter, every other week, now for many years. They decide among themselves whowill dowhich tailoring job at home, but also exchange the odd recipe. Everything started when Đido won modest funds in a provincial contest to use to make costumes for the Šokci dances from Bač. It was then that nursery and school teachers, pensioners, nurses, andalso girls from the ensemble, leapt to assistance and started making and decorating costumes.Allof themareunitedintheir love for tradition and for Đido. “All of us from the“Prelo”Women’s Association made 14 costumes in which we candancewithfull shine intheŠokcidances fromBačandPlavna, tothechoreographyof Dragomir Vuković Kljaca, a former director of the “Kolo” National Ensemble. There are blouses, scarves, embroidered skirts, gold threadembroidery... Somehaveupto8,000 sequins, andamoreskilfulwomancanstitch 60 per hour,”explains Snežana. She’salsoproudof10shirtsfortheDances from Banat that have been delineated with gold thread and embroidered in colourfulbindingswithVojvodina oralmotifs. Every prick of needle and sewn sequin is an investment of e ort andpatience that cannotbemeasured.But,accordingtothese ladies, anyone who has any feelings at all can learn quickly. “Still,makinga single owerwitha leaf andgoldedging takes amore skilledwoman fourhours, andtherearedozensof them on one skirt. That’s why our skirts are priceless to us – says Snežana candidly, adding that a single complete woman’s costume that’s fullydecorated isestimatedat around 1,500 euros. She tells us about white needlework that’s very demanding and expensive, but alsore ned. It requiresmanyhoursofwork, but it’s a pleasure for them. In thisway they reviveanoldcustom, theceremonialprocessionof theQueen,whoembarksonafestive march on this Feast of the Spirits. All of theirworkande ort is voluntary, andsomewomenhaveeven invested their own funds.They’realsoassistedby their fellow citizens, because, as they say, whenĐidodances Bečej folk cry tears of happiness. “Iamtocredit forbringingthemtogether,butassoonas they joinedforces,miracles happened. Each of us should preserve tradition to the extent that we’re able. Everyone needs to know his roots in order to be good for himself andhisneighbours.When we get together, we talk about handicrafts and cakes, not about things that worry us,” says Snežana, a lawyer by profession, who came from Šid to marry in Bečej. The secret to the embroidery they use is revealedbyMarijaNaumovski, 56,whose grandmother taught her needlework. “I made a shirt with gold thread using the cross stitch technique, while the seam is a dead point. The needlework goes column by column, with double point stitches,without loops, rmer thanothers. I need two days to complete one shirt.” They mostly use ‘Kosovo point’, which di ers in terms of the darkness of the edging. The thread does not trail underneath, rather only catching theedges.This ismore di cult todo, but they say that theneedlework isprettier. It ispasseddown fromgeneration to generation, while many of them have taught eachother various techniques there. And all of them are in every seam, every needlepoint of their skirts and shirts is embroideredwithmany sleepless nights and lots of love. Đidocelebratesits40thanniversarynext year,andit’swiththis inmindthat thesededicated, industrious ladiesareplanningtoreconstruct theoriginaloldcostumesusedfor the Šopsko dances. “These are very old pieces with specific ribbons and decorations, so some“Prela” membershavealreadyundergone training tobeabletorecreatecostumesexpertlyand to high quality”, says Snežana. Given that these costumes wear out from being used by an ensemble that performs intensively everywhere around the region and abroad, they constantly sew blouses and skirts, knit socks and additionally lace bodices. Svetlana Glavaški, 43, reveals that her son, who dances in Đido, got her started whenhecomplainedtoher a fewyearsago that theyhadnothingtodance in.Whileshe escortsusout,sherecallsthose rstskirtsthat theymadeprior tooneĐidoperformance... “We then still hadn’t seen themon the stage, butmy son calledme after their concert in Hungary: “Mum, your sequins work wonders on stage. When they turn on the spotlights, the skirts look like Firebirds””. Žene iz udruženja Prelo uglavnom koriste kosovski bod, koji se razlikuje po tamnom opšivu. Konac se ne provlači ispod, već se samo hvata za krajeve The “Prelo” Women mostly use ‘Kosovo point’, which differs in terms of the darkness of the edging. The thread does not trail underneath, rather only catching the edges