LAJFSTAJ L / L I FESTYLE 88 | Mreža » Net Save the Earth, it’s the only planet that hasmemes In the endless ocean of popular memes, it sometimes seems that these simple yet brilliant forms of instant communication are being watereddown. However, for every five thousand memes, only a handful become cultural phenomena INTERNETCOMMUNICATIONCHANGESAND EVOLVES YEAR AFTER YEAR, having first become non-verbal, and then entering the phase of ever-shorter messages or effects in the form of emoticons, gifs or memes. The recipe for a good meme isn’t complicated, except that it should follow a theme and have a good “punchline” and a distinctive images. There is actually an internet database of “tried and tested” image that always do the trick for memes, while there have long since been numerous apps that you can use to launch your own meme in seconds. However, in order for an idea to become a meme, it has tobe shared.Themost viralmemes are usually those that address recent additions to the public’s collective memory, often things thatmany people find important, so youdon’t necessarilyneed tobe immersed in internet subculture to understand what’s being communicated. Apart from that, it should be something that’s amusing to see and share. One study showed that memes evoking a stronger emotional response are more likely to be shared. People will also more often forward humorous videos than those with age-inducing content. One surprising fact is that the first memes were actually created long ago, long before the invention of the internet thatwe knowtoday. Itwas ina1921 comic strip that a two-panel comic sketch of a man being photographed in a tuxedo was published, one side well drawn and showinghimlookingdapper and composed, accompaniedby the caption “howyou think you look”, with the other sloppily drawn and showing him looking shocked and unkempt, with the caption “how you really look”. And we don’t even need tomention the Alan Ford comics, which are full of “memes” that have been recounted for years, such as ones like “if you think you’re winning, you daren’t lose”, “better to end up a fool than to end up falling froma train” or “better to be rich and healthy, because you’ll get nothing for being sick if you’re poor” etc. These comics containendless ingenious quotes fromthe very first issue, but we, unfortunately, left the time of comics behind in the 20th century, prompting the reloONE PHOTO, I NNUMERAB L E STOR I ES Koristi se za sarkastične reakcije, a na njemu jeVili Vonka, odnosno glumacDžinVajlder / It is used to illustrate sarcastic responses and features GeneWilderas WillyWonka David Vujanić, momak poreklom iz Srbije, postao je hit na internetu / A guy originally fromSerbia, David Vujanić, became a viral internet hit Muhamed SarimAkhar je „srušio internet“ trenutkom nezadovoljstva / Muhammad SarimAkhtar “broke the internet” with a moment of disappointment FOTO: Profimedia / Supplied by LMK / IPA