KRIT / Crete Ostrvo legendi i bogova ISLANDOF LEGENDSANDGODS Kao najvece ostrvo u Grčkoj, Krit je raznoliko i živahno mesto prepuno drevnih ruševina, užurbanih gradova i plaža koje oduzimaju dah. Od najboljeg planinarenja u Evropi do muzeja svetske klase, atrakcije su raznovrsne, kao i pejzaž. Bilo da se nalazite u seoskoj taverni ili u kaficu sa pogledom na obali mora, upadanje u spori tempo života deo je kritskog iskustva. Mitologija Prema mitologiji, vrhovni bog Zevs rođen je upravo na Kritu. Takođe, prva kraljica Krita bila je Evropa. Kasnije je ostrvo postalo zemlja kralja Minosa. Legenda kaže da je kralj odbio da žrtvuje bika bogovima i Posejdon ga je kaznio tako što je naterao njegovu ženu da se zaljubi u bika. Iz ove zajednice rođen je Minotaur, koji je sakriven u lavirintu. Čuveni mitski heroj Tezej, uz pomoc Arijadne, uspeo je da ubije Minotaura i pronađe izlaz iz lavirinta. Dedal je ponekad identifikovan kao dizajner Minosovog lavirinta, ali je, kao i Minotaur, bio zatvorenik u njemu, zajedno sa svojim sinom Ikarom. Da bi pobegao, napravio je krila od perja i voska, pa su on i Ikar zajedno odleteli. Sin je nepromišljeno ignorisao očeva upozorenja i odleteo je suviše blizu vatrenog sunca, pa su mu se krila istopila. Zaronio je u smrt u ono što ce zauvek biti poznato kao Ikarsko more. The largest island inGreece, Crete is a diverse and vibrant land packedwith ancient ruins, bustling cities and stunningly beautiful beaches. Fromsome of the best hiking in Europe toworld-classmuseums, the attractions here are as varied as the landscapes. Whether you’re at a homey countryside taverna or an atmospheric seaside cafe, slipping into the slowpace of life here is all part of theCretan experience. Mythology According tomythology, the great god Zeus was born inCrete, while the first queen of Cretewas Europa. Later on, Crete became the land of KingMinos. According to legend, the king refused to sacrifice a bull to the gods, so Poseidon punished himbymaking his wife fall in lovewith a bull. From this union, theMinotaur was born and subsequently hidden away in the labyrinth. Another legend has it that, in an effort to avenge the death of his son at the hands of the Athenians, KingMinosmade themsend seven young girls and boys to Crete every year, to offer themas a sacrifice to theMinotaur. During an expedition, the famousmythical hero Theseus, with the help of Ariadne, managed to kill the Minotaur and find his way out of the labyrinth. Daedalus was sometimes named as the designer of Minos’s labyrinth/palace, but he, like theMinotaur, was made a prisoner inside it, alongwith his son Icarus. To escape, Daedalus invented feather-and-wax wings, and together he and Icarus flewaway, but the son irresponsibly ignored his father’s warnings and flew too close to the fiery sun, only for his wings tomelt. He plunged to his death inwhat henceforthwould forever be known as the Icarian Sea. Greek islands » Grčka ostrva| 83 Drevni Krit jemesto gde je nastala Minojska civilizacija, jedna od najvažnijih civilizacija sveta (2600–1150. pre nove ere) Ancient Crete is the birthplace of the Minoan civilisation, one of the most important civilisations of the ancient world (26001150 BC) FOTO: Depositphotos / mrxiao FOTO: Depositphotos