RODOS / Rhodes Kolos saDodekaneza THECOLOSSUSOF THEDODECANESE One of Greece’smost popular holiday destinations, Corfu is an island in the Ionian Sea that’s known for its cosmopolitanOld Town, spectacular sand beaches and stunningly beautiful scenery. Corfu has a rich history woven froma dizzying number of influences - Venetians, English, French and Russian, all left their mark here, so that alongside ancient ruins, a really unique eclecticismexists. Still, this Greek island firstly occupies a special place in the collective consciousness of the Serbs as the place where the Serbian army and state recovered after the AlbanianGolgotha of WorldWar I. There is somuch here in the Ionian Sea that bears the historical stamp of the unbreakable bond between the two nations, and the essential tour for Serbian tourists includes a visit to Serbian House (amemorial gallery housedwithin the Serbian consulate, dedicated to the period spent inCorfu by the Serbian army) and a visit to the ossuary of Serbian soldiers on the island of Vido, just off the coast of Corfu Town. A place of sadness and silence, it wasmost beautifully described in verse inMilutin Bojić’s famous ode The Blue Tomb. UNESCOhas declaredCorfuOld Town aWorldHeritage Site.Whowouldn’t be left impressed by themagnificent buildings, with neoclassical elements, or the Palace of St. Michael andSt. George, theCatholicCathedral, the Parliament or the Kapodistrias family villa? In the famous alleys of Campiello, youwill feel like a star in some film. Regardless of itsmany cultural and historical values, Corfu wouldn’t be such a popular destination if it didn’t have outstanding nature. The beaches are very varied, fromsand to rocky outcrop, and over thirty beaches sport a “blue flag”, indicating that they satisfy the highest ecological and logistical standards. The sea iswarmer and calmer along the eastern coast of Corfu, while on thewestern side there aremorewinds andwaves, but the beaches themselves are actuallymore interesting. There are alsomany places adapted to familieswith small children, such as Sidari, where thewater barely reaches one’s knees even a hundredmetres fromthe shore. It is also home to an interesting natural monument known as theChannel of Love: a mass of limestone outcrops and coves that form interesting shapes and are popular among bathers, walkers and loving couples. You have to swimthrough a natural passagewaymade of smooth rocks that forma tunnel, so be sure to give us a call if you find your soulmate at the end, as the legend promises. One local product that’s very popular is the kumquat, a small citrus fruit similar to an orange, which is servedmainly as a preserved honeyed sweet ormade into a liqueur. The popular claimof Corfu folk that the kumquat grows only there and nowhere else in theworld actually isn’t true, but it is true that it isn’t represented like it is here anywhere else inGreece. Themost widespread fruit-bearing plant is, of course, the olive tree, which is used tomake very high-quality oil and various delights, and the island is also packedwith lemons, which the locals don't seemto know what to dowith: almost every lemon tree you see sags under theweight of large, ripe fruits. U isto vreme kosmopolitsko i tradicionalno, vanvremensko i moderno, jednostavno i spektakularno – Rodos je ostrvo u Grčkoj koje ima toliko lica i otkricete ih sva, ali jedna poseta neće biti dovoljna. Pejzaž ovog ostrva Dodekaneza ima toliko privlačne lepote, da nije ni čudo da je jedna od najpopularnijih destinacija za odmor u Grčkoj. Ovde se ogromne peščane plaže, čista voda, zamkovi i drevne civilizacije bez napora mešaju sa gurmanskim restoranima i tradicionalnim tavernama koje služe lokalne delicije. Rodos je prelep mozaik doživljaja: ostrvo vitezova i mitskog Kolosa sa Rodosa, gde su Vizantinci, Grci, Mlečani i Turci ostavili ponešto po čemu ce ih pamtiti. Pored luksuznih odmarališta, ovde se nalaze sela u kojima žene i dalje peku hleb u peci na drva na otvorenom. Jedno od najbolje očuvanih srednjovekovnih naselja na svetu, Stari grad Rodosa, proglašen je me scan Greek islands » Grčka ostrva| 81 FOTO: Depositphotos / tuulijumala