Belgrade » Beograd | 75 Vintidž avanturistkinje Podjednako je realno da ćete neku od njih sresti kako na Kaleniću prebira predimenzionirane plastične naočare za sunce iz sedamdesetih i antikne broševe iz četrdesetih, ali i kako u nekom od koncept-šopova na glasu isprobava bluze sa naramenicama kakve su njihove mame nosile osamdesetih. Vintidž avanturistkinje su pravi modni svaštojedi i mogu da spaze savršeno izbledeli teksas i u najmusavijoj prodavnici polovne robe, a svaku šoping akviziciju razmatraju poput kustosa autentične stilske zbirke. Boginjeminimalizma Još na prvim godinama fakulteta otkriju svoju nepogrešivu modnu uniformu – opasno dobro krojene farmerke, frajerska prugasta majica ispod prevelikog sakoa i par bajkerskih čizama – i potom je samo nadograđuju u skladu sa trendovskim senzibilitetom trenutka. Na tragu stila Džin Siberg u „Do poslednjeg daha“, ali sa simpatijom za današnju IG aristokratiju, boginje minimalizma kriju pogled ispod muškog kačketa, kosa je uvek brižljivo raščupana, a u desnoj ruci im je mekana klač torba (naravno, nehajno savijena). VINTAGE ADVENTURESS You’re just as likely to encounter some of them on Kalenić Market, choosing oversized plastic sunglasses from the ‘70s and antique brooches from the ‘40s, as you are to find them at one of the reputed concept shops trying on blouses with shoulder straps like their mothers wore in the ‘80s. Vintage adventuresses are true “fashion omnivores”, able to spot the perfect faded denim in even the shabbiest of second-hand shops, and who consider every shopping acquisition as though they’re a curator of an authentic style collection. GODDESSESOFMINIMALISM They discover their unmistakable fashion uniformalready in their first years of college - dangerously well-tailored jeans, striped dude’s T-shirts under an oversized suit jacket and a pair of biker boots – after which they simply upgrade the look according to the trend sensibilities of themoment. Mirroring the style of Jean Seberg in the filmBreathless, but with a fondness for today's Insta aristocracy – goddesses of minimalismhide their view under men’s caps, their hair is always carefully messy and in their right hand they carry a soft clutch purse (casually folded, of course). Vintidž avanturistkinje svaku šoping akviziciju razmatraju poput kustosa autentične stilske zbirke Vintage adventuresses consider every shopping acquisition as though they’re a curator of an authentic style collection