24 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia nove ere možda je najpoznatija od svih vulkanskih eksplozija u svetu i prvi pisani zapis o erupciji. Mogli bismo reci da je vulkanologija rođena u podnožju Vezuva. Njegova poslednja erupcija dogodila se 1944. godine, nakon čega je vulkan ušao u fazu mirovanja, iako je ostao aktivan. Napolitanske kancone Napulj je poznat širom sveta po svojoj muzici. Kancone su se neminovno širile u periodu velike italijanske emigracije, a jedan od prvih promotera prekookeanskog uspeha napuljskih pesama bio je Renato Karosone, da bi devedestih godina prošlog veka tenor Lučano Pavaroti u prvi plan izneo čuveni „O, sole mio“. Legenda o Maradoni Od kada je stigao u tim i grad, Maradona je bog za Napulj. Dijego je obeležio jednu eru, a njegova legenda i dalje živi na ulicama grada. Mnoga napuljska deca nose njegovo ime. Nakon njegove smrti Stadion „San Paolo“ u Napulju promenio je ime u Stadion „Maradona“. Ulična umetnost Svi poznati ljudi Napulja zastupljeni su u gradskoj uličnoj umetnosti. To je rastuci društveni fenomen, koji uključuje gigantske radove koji krase čitava naselja. Takođe, Benksijevo najpoznatije delo (prvo ikad nastalo u Italiji) jeste plavo-siva Madona sa pištoljem umesto oreola. ples the most unchanged in Europe. Vesuvius Vesuvius is the world’s bestknown volcano and the most dangerous, given the high population density living at its foot. The Neapolitan people fear and worship this huge sleeping giant, making it the city’s symbol. Its eruption in 79 AD is perhaps the most famous of all known volcanic explosions globally and the first written record of an eruption. We could say that volcanology was born at the foot of Vesuvius. Its last explosion took place in 1944, after which the volcano entered its resting phase, although it has always remained active. Canzone Napoletana Naples is famous throughout the world for its music, which inevitably spread during the great period of Italian emigration. One of the first promoters of the overseas success of Neapolitan songs was Renato Carosone, while O’ Sole Mio was brought to the fore by famous tenor Luciano Pavarotti in the 1990s. The legend of Maradona Since his arrival at the team and in the city, Maradona has been a God for Naples. Diego marked an era and his legend still lives on in the streets of the city. Many Neapolitan children bear his name. After his death, the San Paolo Stadium in Naples changed its name to Stadio Maradona. Street Art All the famous people of Naples are represented in the city’s street art. This is a growing social phenomenon that includes gigantic works that redevelop entire neighbourhoods. Banksy’s famous work (and his first-ever to be made in Italy) is a bluegrey Madonna with a gun in place of her halo. Nedaleko od Napulja su čuvene iskopine Pompeje i Herkulanuma, pa možete da se vratite čak 2.000 godina u prošlost Located not far fromNaples are the famous excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum, where you can step back in time some 2,000 years FOTO: Depositphotos FOTO: Depositphotos