
20 | Srbija stvara » Serbia creates V I KTOR K I Š , V. D. D I REKTOR A MSUB Umetnik i tabu Presrećan sam što će baš Muzej savremene umetnosti u Beogradu biti pionir na ovim prostorima u predstavljanju visoke mode kao savremene umetnosti ŽAN-POLGOTJEODAVNOJEMNOGOVIŠE OD MODNOG brenda kojim je stekao svetsku slavu. Gotje je umetnik. Umetnik koji promoviše ideju ljubavi, tolerancije, ideju raznolikosti. Ideju jednakosti. Umetnik koji spremno meša ustaljenost i elitizam. Umetnik koji poručuje: „Slavite svoju različitost! Slavite sebe u svojoj različitosti. Prihvatite, bez osuđivanja. Bez tabua. Bez elitizma. Oslobodite se…“ Izložba Žan-Pola Gotjea Love is Love u produkciji Muzeja lepih umetnosti uMontrealu nastaje kao finale izložbe Modni svet Žan-Pola Gotjea: Od trotoara do modne piste, koja je u 12 gradova sveta privukla više od dva miliona posetilaca, obarajući rekorde u poseti modnim izložbama i za koju je kustos Tijeri Maksim Lorio dobio nagradu Vanguard. Presre an samšto e bašMuzej savremene umetnosti u Beogradu biti pionir na ovim prostorima u predstavljanju visoke mode kao savremene umetnosti. Tako e se naš beogradski muzej na i u društvu svetskihmuzeja, poput njujorškogMetropolitenmuzeja umetnosti, Muzeja savremene umetnosti MoMa i Muzeja Viktorija i Albert, koji pomeraju granice shvatanja savremene umetnosti. Baš kao Gotje – spremno, drugačije, bez tabua i elitizma, kako se od savremene umetnosti i očekuje. V I KTOR K I Š , ACT I NG D I R ECTOR OF T HE MUSEUM OF CONT EMPOR ARY ART I N B E LGR ADE Artist and taboo I‘m delighted that the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade in particular will be a pioneer of this region when it comes presenting high fashion as contemporary art. JEANPAULGAULTIERHAS LONGSINCESURPASSEDTHE fashion brand through which he gained worldwide repute. Gaultier is an artist. He is an artist who promotes the idea of love and tolerance, the notion of diversity. The notion of equality. He is an artist who is ready to fuse conventionality and elitism. He is an artist who says: Celebrate your diversity! Celebrate yourself in your diversity. Accept, without condemnation. Without taboos. Without elitism. Liberate yourself… The Jean-Paul Gaultier exhibition “Love is Love”, producedby theMontrealMuseumof FineArts, emerges as the finale of the exhibitionThe Fashion World of Jean-Paul Gaultier: from the Sidewalk to the Catwalk, which has attracted more than two million visitors in 12 world cities, breaking attendance records for fashion exhibitions and resulting in curator Thierry-Maxime Loriot receiving the Vanguard Award. I‘mdelighted that theMuseum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade in particular will be a pioneer of this regionwhen it comes presenting high fashion as contemporary art. In this way our Belgrade Museum will find itself in the company of world-renowned museums, such as New York‘s MetropolitanMuseumof Art andMoMaMuseumofModern Art, and London‘s Victoria and AlbertMuseum, which push the boundaries of understanding contemporaryart. And that‘s Just like Gaultier himself - ready, different, without taboos and elitism. Just as is expected fromcontemporary art.