
smarttravel Upaljena svetla nade, mira, radosti i ljubavi The light of hope, peace, joy and love is lit Kićenje božićne jelke, darivanje dece, šareni, mirisni vašari, stolovi prepuni tradicionalne hrane, radost iščekivanja Hristovog rođenja… Sve su to znaci da počinje advent – četiri nedelje pre Božića po gregorijanskom kalendaru, u svim zemljama u kojima većinu stanovništva čine pripadnici katoličke i protestantske veroispovesti. U prevodu ova reč znači dolazak, što u ovom slučaju podrazumeva dolazak na svet – rođenje Isusa Hrista. Jedan od običaja je pravljenje venaca sa četiri sveće. Svake nedelje se pali po jedna, a do Božića bi trebalo da budu upaljene sve četiri. Venac čine dva simbola: krug i svetlo. Krug predstavlja večnost i vernost. Svetlo sveće nagoveštava dolazeće svetlo – Isusa. Zimzeleno granje koje se upliće u venac simbolizuje život koji ne prestaje. Sveće su bele i crvene – prva je sveća nade, druga simbol mira, treća radosti, a četvrta ljubavi. Decorating Christmas trees, giving presents to children, colourful fairs filled with sweet aromas, tables full of traditional food, the joy of awaiting the birth of Christ… All these are signs that Advent has begun – the four weeks before Gregorian Christmas, in all countries where the majority of the population is Catholic or protestant. In translation, the word advent means arrival, which in this case implies the arrival into the world - the birth of Jesus Christ. One of the customs is to make wreaths with four candles. One candle is lit every week, with all four lit by Christmas. The wreath consists of two symbols: the circle and the light. the circle represents eternity and fidelity. The light of the candle indicates the coming of the light of Jesus. The evergreen branches intertwined in the wreath symbolise unceasing life. The candles are white and red, – first is the candle of hope, the second symbolises peace, the third joy and the fourth love. DOLAZAK BOŽIĆA / CHRISTMAS IS COMING SVE NAPISANO JE PODLOŽNO PROMENAMA ZBOG PANDEMIJE; PA PRE PUTOVANJA TREBA PROVERITI OKOLNOSTI I DETALJE EVERYTHING CITED IS SUBJECT TO POSSIBLE CHANGE DUE TO THE PANDEMIC, SO BE SURE TO CHECK THE CONDITIONS AND DETAILS BEFORE TRAVELLING