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Dragi gosti,

Ovog leta letimo u pet novih gradova!

Dear Guests,

We’re flying to five new cities this summer!

Proleće je konačno stiglo, sve je toplije, a leto nam kuca na

vrata. Ovo je vreme kad mnogi od nas užurbano planiraju i s

nestrpljenjem očekuju odmor. Stoga mi je zadovoljstvo da vas

obavestim da u junu počinjemo da letimo do pet novih destinacija,

čime vam pružamo veći izbor, fleksibilnost i više mogućnosti za

predstojeće leto.

Er Srbija će 15. juna uvesti tri leta nedeljno za Ohrid, stari

makedonski grad nad mirnim jezerom istog imena. To popularno

letovalište, prema nekim izvorima, nekada je imalo 365 crka-

va – po jednu za svaki dan u godini. Istog dana uvodimo i letove

za Hamburg koji će se obavljati četiri puta nedeljno. Sa svojom

bogatom pomorskom istorijom, kamenom popločanim ulicama i

pitoresknim kanalima, ovaj grad predstavlja nezaboravno mesto za

odmor i odličan početak duže avanture u Nemačkoj.

Drago mi je što mogu da vam kažem da dan kasnije, 16. juna,

uspostavljamo liniju za Kijev, glavni grad Ukrajine, čiji eklektičan

gradski pejzaž i istorijske znamenitosti mogu da nadmaše samo

druželjubivi i veseli ljudi koji ga nazivaju svojim domom. Letovi za

Kijev obavljaće se šest puta nedeljno. Severno od Kijeva leži još

jedan fantastičan istočnoevropski grad i naša četvrta destinacija –

Sankt Peterburg, do kog 18. juna počinjemo da letimo tri puta ne-

deljno. Sankt Peterburg je jedan od najupečatljivijih gradova Rusije

i predstavlja srce njene kulture.

To su četiri od pet destinacija. Poslednja linija koju planiramo

da uvedemo jeste Njujork, naš prvi prekookeanski let. Siguran sam

da ste već čuli za naše uzbudljive planove da povežemo Beograd

sa Velikom jabukom.

Ovim novim letovima proširićemo našu mrežu na 44 destinaci-

je, a da vesti budu još slađe, povećaćemo i nedeljni broj letova za

Dubrovnik, Pulu i Tivat, tri priobalna grada veoma popularna tokom

leta. Ove rute smo odabrali kako bismo vam olakšali putovanje, pa

se nadam da će inspirisati vaš sledeći let s nama.

Za sada, želeo bih ukratko da vam kažem nešto i o sadržaju

ovog izdanja našeg magazina


. U njemu možete više da

pročitate o Rumuniji, zemlji čiji planinski krajolik predstavlja sjajno

mesto za avanturistički odmor. Njen dinamični glavni grad je pove-

zan s Beogradom svakodnevnim letovima.

Nadam se da ćete uživati u ovom letu, a gostima koji ovog

meseca slave Uskrs, želim srećan praznik.

Dane Kondić

Generalni direktor

Er Srbije

Spring is finally here, warm weather is rolling in and summer

is knocking on our doors. It’s a time when many of us are eagerly

planning and looking forward to the holidays. Which is why I’m

happy to tell you that we’re going to start flying to five new desti-

nations this June, giving you more choice, flexibility and options for

the summer.

On 15 June, Air Serbia will launch three weekly services to Ohrid,

a quaint Macedonian town overlooking a serene lake of the same

name. It’s a popular summer spot that, according to some accounts,

once had 365 churches – one for every day of the year. On the same

day, we’re also going to introduce flights to Hamburg that will be

operated four times a week. With its rich maritime history, cobbled

streets and picturesque waterways, it makes for a memorable geta-

way and a great first stop for a longer adventure in Germany.

I am also pleased to tell you that a day later, on 16 June, we will

launch six weekly flights to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, whose ec-

lectic cityscape and historic attractions are only topped by the frien-

dly, merry people that call it their home. Lying to the north of Kiev is

another fantastic East European city, and our fourth new destination

– Saint Petersburg, where we will begin flying on 18 June, with three

weekly services. Saint Petersburg is one of the most fascinating

cities in Russia and considered by many to be its cultural heart.

That’s four out five new destinations. The last new route that

we’re planning to introduce is New York, our first transatlantic flight.

I am sure you have heard about our exciting plans to reconnect

Belgrade to the Big Apple.

With these new flights, we’re going to expand our network to a

total of 44 destinations, and to sweeten the deal even further, we’re

increasing our weekly frequencies to Dubrovnik, Pula and Tivat,

three coastal towns that are really popular in the summer. We’ve

chosen these routes to make travel easier for you, and I hope they

inspire your next journey with us.

For now, I want to briefly tell you about what’s inside this issue

of Elevate. In this edition, you can read more about Romania, a

country whose mountainous landscape makes for an adventurous

holiday. We serve its vibrant capital of Bucharest with daily flights to

and from Belgrade.

I hope you enjoy this flight and for our guests celebrating Easter

this month, I wish you happy holidays.

Dane Kondić


Air Serbia