
Apart from being humans’ best, most loyal and oldest friends, many people believe that dogs are actually beings from another planet. One such person is the famous Cesar, who returns to our screens with his new show Better Human Better Dog Since his early childhood, whenhegrewuponapoor farm inMexico, he’s done everything inhis power to ensure life on Earth for our furry friends is more beautiful and happier. And howhe’s done that is best shown in the newdocumentary showCesarMillan: Better Man Better Dog, which premieres on the National Geographic WILD channel, onFridays from6pm.Over the course of ten episodes, the legendary “dogwhisperer” teaches new CESAR M I L L AN , DOG WH I SP E R E R People are the ones who change. Dogs are always the same pet owners who’ve chosen to adopt strays how to welcome them into their homes andfinda common language with them. “Many people make the same mistakeswhenadopting.Most commonly that’s precisely when choosing the animal that we want to save. My advice is always the same. Choose amedium-sizeddog.The little ones are resourceful and someone will always want them. The big ones are powerful, they will handle themselves even without you, while themedium-sized breeds are the most under threat. And don’t think too much. Choose the one that cheers you up themost.That’s where love is guaranteed,” says Cesar Millan at the beginning of his interview for Elevate. His first contact with animals was on his grandfather's farmnear Culiacán, the town where he was born back in 1969. Even back then, his natural relationship with dogs prompted the workers on the estate to give him the nickname “dog boy”. Twodecades later,Milan, travelling as an emigrant - with no visa, no passport and no knowledge of the English language - crossed the American border and started a new life. Upon arriving in the U.S., he found work in a dog salon, and then as a limousine driver, when he met the womanwho would change his life. Actress Jada Pinkett Smith, who starred inTheNutty Professor and the Matrix series, paid for his English language school, thanks to which he was able to establish his DogPsychologyCenter.Thefirst episode of the cult show Dog Whisperer was aired in 2004 and made him a world star. Millan suffered his worst period in 2010. Following the death of his beloved dog Daddy and the very difficult period that followed, he found strength to carry on in Junior, Daddy’s successor. But, given that dogs lives are, unfortunately, much shorter than ours, Cesar was also left without his Interview » Intervju | 21 Birajte psa srednje veličine. Mali su snalažljivi i njih će uvek neko hteti. Veliki su snažni, izboriće se i bez vas Choose a mediumsized dog. The little ones are resourceful and someone will always want them. The big ones are powerful, they will handle themselves even without you FOTO: / IBL