
12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia FOTO: iStock / Givaga Dobro došli u zemlju faraona / Welcome to the land of the pharaohs Većina ljudi bi verovatno bila na velikim mukama kada bi morala da izdvoji neke događaje iz poslednjih 1.000 godina istorije Egipta. Ali zato svi znamo sve o mumijama, piramidama, Tutankamonu, hijeroglifima i Crvenom moru. Ova fascinacija postoji već dugo i sa dobrim razlogom. Ima nešto u misteriji tog sveta što nas iznova i iznova mami u ovu zemlju. Tajne su skrivene u piramidama, u grobnicama, u sarkofazima. I zato vas ovog septembra vodimo u Egipat. Most people would probably struggle if they had to name some events from the last 1,000 years of Egypt’s history. But we all know everything there is to know about mummies, pyramids, Tutankhamun, hieroglyphs and the Red Sea. This fascination has existed for a long time, and with good reason. There’s something about the mysteriousness of this world that entices us back to this country again and again. Its secrets are hidden in pyramids, tombs and sarcophaguses. And that’s why we’re taking you to Egypt this September. smarttravel