
58 | Moda » Fashion Fashion Moda ŠTA ĆEMO NOS I T I OVE J ESEN I I Z IME ? Pet modnih trendova i kako ih prilagoditi Revije sa nedelja mode u svetskim metropolama donele su mnoštvo intrigantnih tendencija, ali iznad svega su pružile mogućnost da se u sezoni na čijem smo startu transformišete u ženu kakva ste oduvek želeli da budete. Mi smo najuzbudljivije trendove predstavili kroz prizmu muze koja ih je nadahnula Kraljica podijuma Možda vam se činilo da živimo u vremenima minimalističke mode i neutralnih nijansi – barem tako sugerišu svi ti popularni Instagram nalozi sa po 200.000 folovera čiji je feed dominantno bež – ali maksimalizam nije mrtav, što pokazuju mnogobrojne kreacije sa teksturom disko kugle koje su za ovu sezonu pokazali Mark Džejkobs, Erdem, Balensijaga i, naravno, Versače. QUEENOF THE PODIUM Perhaps it seemed to you that we’re living in a time of minimalist fashion in neutral shades - at least that’s what’s suggested by all those popular Instagram accounts that each have 200,000 followers and feeds dominated by beige - but maximalism isn’t dead, as demonstrated by the numerous creations with disco ball textures that have been shown for this season by Marc Jacobs, Erdem, Balenciaga and, of course, Versace. Venera u krznu (veštačkom) Zapažajući trendove sa revija za predstojeću zimu, može se steći utisak da se stav modne industrije prema krznu ponovo promenio – ili ipak nije? Naime, bunde za novu generaciju trendseterki uglavnom nastaju reciklažom ili korišćenjem novih eco-aware tehnologija za izradu veštačkog krzna, uveravaju nas iz modnih kuća Selin, Sen Loren i Valentino. VENUS IN FAKE FUR Noticing the trends from fashion shows of collections for the coming winter, one could get the impression that the fashion industry’s attitude towards fur has changed yet again - or maybe not? Specifically, furs for the new generation of trendsetters are mostly created through recycling or the use of new eco-aware technologies for producing artificial fur, as we are assured by fashion houses Celine, Saint Laurent and Valentino. WHAT WI L L WE WEAR T H I S COM I NG AU T UMN AND WI NT E R? 5 fashion trends and how to adapt them Fashion shows held during the fashion week events of great world cities have brought many intriguing tendencies – but first and foremost they provided an opportunity to transform yourself into the woman you’ve always wanted to be in the season that’s just starting. Here we present the most exciting trends through the prism of the muse that inspired them. Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije/Photography: