
Belgrade » Beograd | 53 Čuveni Zeleni venac dobio je ime po jednoj gostionici koja je na ulazu imala venčić od zelenog lišća, a ne po pijaci kako mnogi misle. Inače, venac se kao toponim u gradu pominje čak 16 puta The famous GreenWreath gained its name thanks to an inn that had a wreath of green leaves on its entrance, and not thanks to themarket, as many think. The word wreath is mentioned as a place name as many as 16 times QUISITA IPIDEMOESTIG SEQUE Estempos seque ped ea perferiatur, quisita ipide mo esti comnis velit, qui vellenet escitam que pressit re ne andae voluptur aut vel is explabor re, sunte sinum ea dit, consectiam, te dolorrumque oditaquam repe eruptatesti derumquatur? Quis sim. Kosančićev venac Ovaj deo Beograda je jedan od retkih u kom je originalna arhitektura očuvana. Kaldrma daje posebnu čar jer su ovim ulicama šetali Rimljani i Kelti, Turci, a potom je postao utočište umetnicima. Ime je dobio po Ivanu Kosančiću, koji je bio poznat kao najbolji mačevalac svog vremena. Poginuo je u bici na Kosovu Polju. KOSANČIĆ’SWREATH This part of Belgrade is among the rare fewwhere the original architecture has been preserved. Cobblestone streets give a special charm, because these streets werewalked by Romans, Celts and Turks, and it then became a refuge for artists. It was named after Ivan Kosančić, whowas known for being the best swordsman of his time. He died in the Battle of Kosovo.