
INTERVJU INTERVI EW Interview » Intervju | 29 Dešava se da sanjamneke stvari koje se kasnije i dese. Kažu da tako rešavamomnoge stvari koje ne stignemo da rešimo u životu / It happens that I dreamabout some things that later occur. It is said that we resolvemany things through dreams that we don’t resolve in life NEMAN J A R ADU LOV I Ć, V I OL I N I ST Mozart as a cure for all ills A punk among classicists, a virtuoso of world renown who doesn’t fail to admit that his family is the centre of the universe and that Serbia is his favourite place in the world, will perform for us in Kolarac Hall at the end of September. Of course, if the Coronavirus doesn’t ruin all our plans again NemanjaRadulovićwasborn inNiš andcarries that southernmusical gift andtemperament when he plays the violin. He talks withviolinsas thoughhe’s conversingwith loved ones, but he’s also learning to play the guitar. If we are fortunate, we’ll hear him at the end of September in one of his favourite halls - Belgrade’s Kolarac Endowment… What has changed in the concert schedule due to the 2020 pandemic? “Many concerts were canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic.Wemanaged to transfer a certainnumber to next season, which is already full. I’m overjoyed that we managed, in cooperation with Kolarac Endowment Hall, to find new dates at the end of September for the concerts originally scheduled forMarch 2020, although the final date has yet to be determined.” You probably find it hard to live without performances… Could you even imagine life without music? “I couldn’t livewithoutmusic. It works likemymedicine. And my oxygen.” Many artists are yearning for some long gone better times, but it seems that you like the specific time in which you live? “Yes, I love that I live in the 21st century. We often aren’t aware of all the positive things that are happening today, because nostalgia compels us to say that something was better before, as it has in every era throughout history. However, I like music from the period of classicism the most.” Nevertheless, this year has brought us all some new reality, difficulties, but also insights out of introspection. How are you surviving 2020 for now? ” is year is like a lesson. It reminded me of what’s most important in life. It feels good that I’m with the people I love the most. I miss friends who live in other countries and, of course, to be before the audience with music. Changes have also come in my life, but they are not drastic. We’ll see how this situation will develop in a few months. ” Music has helped you to cope with many difficult moments in life, and the violin has always been a refuge for you. What music have you been defending yourself with these months? ”I like Mozart’s music the most, which is full of life. It also helps that, together withmy family, I play various traditional music arrangements fromall over the world. Of course, the violin is always there as a filter and each one has had its own story, like when you share life with people who love and teach you. I also play the viola, cello and a little piano. I’ve used the time in 2020 to learn to play the guitar.” What is important to you prior to performances; do you have any little rituals? ”From the moment I wake up on the day of a concert, I like to follow a similar rhythm: rehearsal, lunch, sleep, preparation, practicing and the concert. During that day it feels good for me to be in touchwith the people who are on stage with me, because in that way we appear on the stage with the same energy. What’s most important for me is to wake up in the morning feeling happy and grateful.” Apart from Kolarac, do you have a favourite stage? ”Actually, yes, I really like theConcertgebouw inAmsterdam and the eatre des Champs-Elysees in Paris. Kolarac in Belgrade is a given.” Folklore has inspired many composers, and you yourself say that you like Sevdalinka and Macedonian voices. What do you actually listen to in your car or at home? ”I listen to absolutely all sorts ofmusic. Some things makeme feel better thanothers.We canfind inspiration in all music. Everything depends on the mood.”