
Sports » Sport | 105 Asia dominates in e-sports competitions, with teams from this region usually appearing in finals. The best players probably come from China and South Korea Azija je dominantna u e-sport takmičenjima, pa se najčešće u finalu nalaze ekipe iz tog podneblja. Verovatno najkvalitetniji igrači dolaze iz Kine i Južne Koreje Tekst/Words: Miodrag Dimitrijević Fotografije/Photography: skog komiteta i predstavnika e-sport organizacija, pa se očekuje da se već od 2024. ti sportovi uključe u olimpijski program. Te godine u Parizu, ipak, neće dobijati medalje, a to bi moglo da se promeni 2028. u Los Anđelesu. Prvi znak da e-sport postaje deo olimpijske porodice imali smo u Pjongjangu, kada je na Zimskim OI 2016. pet e-sport igrača iz Južne Koreje učestvovalo u štafeti sa olimpijskom bakljom. Azija je zapravo dominantna u e-sport takmičenjima, pa se najčešće u nalu nalaze ekipe iz tog podneblja. Verovatno najkvalitetniji igrači dolaze iz Kine, a ogromnu konkurenciju imaju u svojoj NEW SPORT I NG R EA L I T Y Welcome to the worldof e-sports, whichdiffers from everythingyouknow It was with the development of the internet and excellent computer components that video gaming became a global phenomenon, which has now far outgrown its original entertainment purposes. E-sport is definitely becoming an Olympic discipline, while now it is only a question of the year when that will be made official with medals The date of 19th October 1972 is used to mark the start of video gaming competition, as that waswhencompetitions in the gameSpaceWar beganat StanfordUniversity. emost famous gamer to this day is probably BillyMitchell, an American who was a major star in the 1970s and ‘80s for setting records onPac-ManandDonkeyKong, whichwere played in gaming rooms. Players became more connected in the 1990s, and since the year 2000 e-sports competitions have become global events that see tens of thousands of players competing… A great furore has emerged, however, over whether playing video games, or more specifically e-sports, should