
Flying is better when you do not wait for your luggage Leteti je lepše… … kad ne čekate prtljag Are you already running late and don’t have time to wait for your luggage to appear on the baggage collection conveyor belt? Mark your luggage with a “Priority” label. This service ensures your luggage will be delivered immediately to the baggage collection point. Već kasnite, svaka sekunda je dragocena i nemate kad da čekate da vam prtljag izađe na traci? Er Srbija ima rešenje. Označite svoj prtljag nalepnicom Prioritet . Ta usluga znači da će vaš kofer na traku biti isporučen odmah na početku. E S / A S ir Serbia’s Facebook page, with almost 300,000 likes, is the most popular page on this social network among the airlines of the region. Croatia Airlines’ Facebook page has around 149,000 likes, Adria Airways has around 188,000 and Montenegro Airlines has approximately 21,000 likes. Air Serbia’s profile on the popular Instagram social network received more than 20,000 new followers between January and August this year, and did so without paid campaigns. FEJSBUKSTRANICA ERSRBIJE NAJPOPULARNIJAUREGIONU TRAMVAJ SA DEVET NOVIH PRIČA AIR SERBIA FACEBOOK PAGE IS THE REGION’SMOST POPULAR ejsbuk stranica Er Srbije sa gotovo 300.000 lajkova najpopularnija je stranica svih avio-kompanija u regionu. Fejsbuk stranica Kroacija erlajnza ima oko 149.000, Adrija ervejza oko 188.000, a Montenegro erlajnza oko 21.000 lajkova. Er Srbija je na Instagramu, sve značajnijoj društvenoj mreži, u periodu od januara do avgusta dobila više od 20.000 novih pratilaca, i to bez plaćenih kampanja. F A TRAMWITH NINENEWSTORIES ramvaj koji je do sada bio brendiran kampanjom o novim tarifama „Er Srbije“ nedavno je promenio svoj izgled. Zahvaljujući angažovanju marketinga „Er Srbije“, tramvaj koji se koristi na linijama 7, 9, 12, 13 i 14 brendiran je aktuelnom kampanjom „Devet novih priča“ i prevozi Beograđane ulicama prestonice Srbije do željene destinacije. Podsetimo, kampanja promoviše devet novih linija „Er Srbije“. tram that has to date been brandedwith Air Serbia fares recently changed its appearance. Thanks to Air Serbia Marketing, the tram – used for Belgrade city transport lines 7, 9, 12, 13 and 14 – has now been branded to promote our current “Nine new stories”campaign as it transports Belgraders through the streets of the Serbian capital. The campaign promotes nine new Air Serbia routes. T A 112 |