
104 | parts of their novels by heart, they always encourage me afresh as an actor. I RESPECT STUDENTS WITH ALL MY MIGHT I’ve led ve generations of acting students to date. I always tell them during the rstclassesthat Iwill respectthemwithallmy might.ThismeansthatIwillexpectmorefrom themthanfrommyself,andwilluseallmeans toseektoexceedandstrengthentheirpotential.Themostimportantthingisthattheylearn toquestion their creativity.The text for each roleisendlessfabricandnotwoperformances are the same. However, growing through questions regarding one’s own ability is the continuous and essential ow of progress. I trytolovewhat I teachthem.Humansarein- nite beings and the main factor is to constantlyaskourselves:whatamI readytogive? SWAT, IDLER AND OBSESSOR -AsaboyIwasonlyaswatwhenitcame to things that created an obsession in me and a desire to know about them. According to the predispositions of my character I’m an idler. Acting bard Mihajlo Miša Janketić said:‘I’man idlerwhohasworkeda lot’. I ndmyself in thosewords.The things that drive me lead me to research and to be a workaholic.Nothingwill call youon itsown. You need to open up to research. Russian director, producer andactorNikitaMikhalkovsaid:Onecannot simulatetemperament. The same applies to a gift. It cannot be created if it does not exist, but -witha little talent – a lot can be achieved through work and e ort. And to sometimes grow more than someone who is very gifted but lazy. I’VE PAINTED, PLAYEDMUSIC, DANCED FLAMENCO - As a boy I loved to draw, analyse perspectives, play with paints on canvas. I also playedguitar fromsecondgradeasaneightyear-old. Idanced amenco. Ialways felt free inmusicalspaces. Ialsolearnedtoplaythepianoandcompose.Andthentheactingpathway opened up to me, which combined all ofmypursuits. Professor of literatureNataša Kovačevićopenedayouthdramastudiointhe theatre inmy hometown of Kraljevowhen I was 15. I likedwatchingadult plays fromthe fth grade, so I skipped the children’s repertoire. The more I watched plays and participated inwork on them, themore interested Ibecameinactingasavocation. Iperformed for the rst time on 7th February 1986, in a playcomposedof four Ionescopieces,onthe stage of the theatre in Kraljevo. I performed two roles: the professor and Mr Smith. I remember myself like that, with a lot of internal ightandmomentum.EvennowIalways seek that incentive and usually nd it. However,everydayIconsiderthat Inever needed acting in my life. It would be a great joy for me to be a gardener and to have a garden to create. MY ŽIČA -Thehouseofmygrandfatheronmyfather’s side was next door to themonastery. Thehouseofmygrandmotheronmymother’ssideisabout200metresfromthemonastery. I spentmanysummersandwintersnear Metohija. The space around themonastery was inspiringtome, awakening inmemany impulses.Likespacesthat lureandenticeyou into the same nooks, to believe in the same trees.Duringthat timethiswasmoreasense of the spiritual atmosphere, and over time I recognisedmyself in that spiritual space. In my mature years I began to wonder about man’s need to devote himself to such a life and tomove closer to God. There is no end in that space. I most commonly talk to myself there, and I canalways hardlywait to return. I talk tomyself there even when I’m in some other place. THISWORLD IS A TYRANT TO THE TYRANT - Njegoš said: This world is a tyrant to the tyrant. In suchaworldas this and times like these, no one can live like a kidney in fat. People exclude themselves from the circumstances by preferring to see themselves as victims of time and confronting that.Andtheydo littleto improvetheworld inwhichthey ndthemselves. Andthenwe have a tendency to blame the times, other people, politics, crisis etc. That is all bothering, but what have we done as individuals in that which we could? The individual needs to exert e ort in the space given to him. Everyone errs every day. I believe that we all have a lot of space to create, rst and foremost relationshipswiththepeopleclosest to us. Constantly demanding a greater and better measure of humanity towards oneself and others is not harsh. Andwe oftendon’tdothat either regardingourselves or those we claim to love. I HAVE FIVE CHILDREN AND FIGHT FOR OUR TIME TOGETHER - I try not to imposemy authority over them, but rather togive themasmany reasons for self-conception as possible, and to help them achieve that. My daughter Jana (18) plays the piano andgives performances. My sonVidan (17) is interested in IT and basketball, Bogdan (15) is dedicated to music and Kalina (9) is interested in everything, and reminds me that most of myself.Mydaughter Ilina (7),whostarts rst grade inSeptember, enjoys singing. I hope not to recognise an actor in any of them. I wouldn’t like my kids to go through the things that my wife and I, as actors, went through. I try to dedicate every free moment to them and I ght to secure time for us to be together. The burden of their upbringing fell mostly on their mother, but the quality of parenting isn’t only in the amount of time spent with them. My children are open and free and we discuss all topics. They’ve been taught that everything can be resolved through conversation, and that is essential to the process of maturing. I have the feeling that I’m never with them enough; I’ve somehowdenied themmyself, but I try tomake that up to them. Pomislim svaki dan da mi gluma nije trebala u životu. Velika radost bi mi bila da sam baštovan Every day I consider that I never needed acting in my life. It would be a great joy for me to be a gardener