
Serbia » Srbija | 85 Selo Niševac nalazi se na svega sedam kilometara od Svrljiga, na obalama Svrljiškog Timoka, na samom ulazu u klisuru. Stenu s ruševinama grada s dve strane okružujeSvrljiški Timok, a s treće rekaBelica. Sčetvrte strane je prilaz, koji je vrlo uzan. U šetnji ovim upečatljivim predelom naići ćete na prugu Niš–Knjaževac. Ako vam se učini da ona narušava koncept tihog turizma, ne brinite – ima samo jedan kolosek i maltene se stopila s pejzažom. Projektovana je za vreme Milana Obrenovića, pa predstavlja i istorijski spomenik. ThevillageofNiševac is located just seven kilometres from the town of Svrljig, on the banks of the Svrljiški Timok river, at theveryentrance to thegorge. Stone ruinsof anancient cityaresurroundedontwosidesbytheSvrljiški Timok,while on the third side is the river Belica and on the fourth side is the approach to the area, which is very narrow. You will come across the Niš–Knjaževac railway while hiking through this impressive landscape. If you think this violates the concept of quiet tourism, don't be concerned – it has only one track and has all but merged with the natural landscape. It also represents an historical monument, having been designed during the period of Milan Obrenović’s rule. NIŠEVAČKA KLISURA KOD SVRLJIGA NIŠEVAC GORGE NEAR SVRLJIG Tihi turizampoziva namesta na kojima su jedini zvukovi koje ćete slušati šum vode i cvrkut ptica Quiet tourism calls you to places where the only sounds you’ll hear are those of trickling water and chirping birds FOTO: Depositphotos / Nikodash FOTO: Depositphotos / Devteev