
6 | Sadržaj » Contents Sadržaj Contents U FOKUSU IN FOCUS 08. Er Srbija u avgustu prevezla više od 300.000 ljudi / Air Serbia carried more than 300,000 passengers in August NA LETU ON BOARD 10. Putujemo sa glumicom JovanomStojiljković / We travel with actress Jovana Stojiljković PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 12. Er Srbija vas vodi u Skandinaviju / Air Serbia takes you to Scandinavia INTERVJU INTERVIEW 22. Marko Luis: Slobodu nalazim u duši i mislima / Marko Louis: I find freedom in my soul and my thoughts KULTURA CULTURE 22. Sajam knjiga: Povratak napisanih / Book Fair: Return of the written word 30. SAXperience in Serbia: Jer jesen zvuči kao saksofon / SAXperience in Serbia: because autumn sounds like the saxophone 36. Krejg se oprašta od Bonda: Nije vreme za umiranje / Craig bids farewell to Bond: no time to die ER SRBIJA VESTI AIR SERBIA NEWS 40. Letovi do četiri ruske destinacije i tokom oktobra / Flights to four Russian destinations throughout October 41. Ponovo letimo iz Kraljeva za Beč / We’re flying from Kraljevo to Vienna again MODA FASHION 46. Glamur se vratio na ulice Njujorka / Glamour has returned to the streets of New York 50. Nebo nije granica, moda je u svemiru / The sky isn’t the limit, fashion is in outer space