
42 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia ER SRBI JA VEST I / AIR SERBIA NEWS THIS ONLINE SERVICE HAS PREVIOUSLY ONLY been free for passengers of the Comfort and Business tariffs. Most passengers buy tickets in Light and Standard tariffs, which are most often offered in promotions, so the possibility of free ticket changes, directly through the airserbia.com portal, marks a significant improvement of the offer that will elevate the level of service. This service allows passengers greater autonomy in managing their travel, whilst alsoproviding themwithgreater efficiency and time savings in theevent of changes to their travel dates.On theother hand, this serviceallows the airline tokeeppacewith thedigital transformationprocess and thenotionof providingpassengerswithmaximumautonomy during all phases of their journey, therebymaking their travel experience as easy and enjoyable as possible. PROMENA KARATA U LIGHT I STANDARD TARIFI CHANGING LIGHT AND STANDARD TARIFF TICKETS OVAONLAJN USLUGA DO SADA JE bila besplatna samo za putnike u klasama Comfort i Biznis. Najveći broj putnika kupuje karte u Light i Standard tarifama, koje su najčešće u ponudi u promotivnim akcijama, pa je mogućnost besplatne promene karte, direktno preko portala airserbia.com, značajno unapređenje ponude, koje će uticati na podizanje nivoa usluge. Ova usluga omogućuje putnicima veću samostalnost u upravljanju putovanjem, što im dodatno donosi veću efikasnost i uštedu vremenau slučaju izmenadatumaputovanja.Sdrugestrane, kompanijiovauslugaomogućavada ideukoraksadigitalizacijomi idejomdaseputnicimaomogućimaksimalnaautonomnostusvimfazamanjihovogputovanja,čineći imiskustvoputovanjašto lakšimi prijatnijim. SADA J E MOGUĆE PREKO A I RSERB I A .COM NOW POSS I B L E V I A A I RSE R B I A .COM Svi putnici koji su kartu u Light i Standard tarifi za let do kraja 2021. godine kupili posle 21. juna preko airserbia.commogu besplatno da promene datum i uslove putovanja direktno na veb-sajtu Er Srbije All passengers who’ve bought a ticket after 21st June, via airserbia.com, in the Light and Standard fare for a flight prior to the end of 2021 can change the date and conditions of travel at the Air Serbia website directly Do sada su putnici promenu karte najčešće obavljali pozivanjem kontakt-centra ili odlaskomu neku od poslovnica To date, passengers have usually changed their ticket by calling the Contact Centre or visiting one of the retail shops