
Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5 Reč dobrodošlice Welcomemessage OKTOBAR 2020. Dragi putnici, U OKTOBRU OBELEŽAVAMO VEOMA ZNAČAJAN DATUM – sedmu godišnjicu Er Srbije. Bogata istorija naše kompanije prepuna je ideala, znamenja i simbola. Zato ne možemo a da se ne osvrnemo na simboliku broja sedam. Postojanost, originalnost, snaga, mudrost i čvrsta vera osnovne su karakteristike koje se pripisuju simbolici ovog broja. To su ujedno i temelji našeg pristupa poslu, naše kompanije, brenda i zaposlenih. Neverovatno mnogo stvari stalo je u „svega“ sedam godina. Najvažnija i najzanimljivija zbivanja izdvojili smo za vas na strani 6 našeg magazina. Prvi let Er Srbije obavljen je 26. oktobra 2013. između prestonica Srbije i Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata. Ipak, naši koreni sežu još dalje u prošlost, sve do juna davne 1927, kada su uspostavljeni temelji srpske avijacije osnivanjemAeroputa, prve nacionalne aviokompanije, čiji smo ponosni naslednici. Tokom prethodne godine ostvarili smo izvanredne rezultate. U istom ritmu nastavili smo i ove godine dok nas nije zaustavilo nešto potpuno neočekivano, u jeku priprema za nove ekspanzije. Virus korona paralisao je ceo svet i sprečio nas da radimo ono što najviše volimo i najbolje znamo. Utihnuli su aerodromi širom sveta, zatvorili se gradovi, države, granice. Ipak, još jednom smo dokazali da za nas granice ne postoje. Sve resurse odmah smo stavili na raspolaganje našoj državi i građanima neumorno dopremajući tone neophodne medicinske pomoći iz svih delova sveta i dovozeći kući hiljade državljana Srbije koji su se zatekli na aerodromima širom planete. U toku je najveća kriza koja je ikada pogodila aviosaobraćaj. Posle nje, pred nama su oporavak i razvoj. Kao šlag na slavljeničkoj torti, sredinom septembra dobili smo informaciju da smo u okviru obimnog istraživanja portala za zapošljavanje Infostud proglašeni za jednog od tri najpoželjnija poslodavca u Srbiji. Radujemo se novim mogućnostima i putevima, na koje stupamo snažniji, mudriji i odlučniji nego ikada ranije. Uživajte u letu i srećan put, ISKRENO VAŠA, ER SRBIJA OCTOBER 2020 Dear passengers, WE ARE COMMEMORATING A VERY IMPORTANT DATE IN OCTOBERš the seventh anniversary of the establishing of Air Serbia. The rich history of our company is filled with ideals, signs and symbols, which is why we cannot help but look at the symbolism of the number seven. Perseverance, originality, strength, wisdom and strong faith are the basic characteristics attributed to the symbolism of this number. These are also the foundations of our approach to business, to our company, brand and employees. An incredible number of things happened in “only” seven years. We have singled out the most important and interesting events for you on page six of our magazine. Air Serbia’s performed its first flight on 26th October 2013, between the capitals of Serbia and the United Arab Emirates. Nevertheless, the roots of our history date back much further, all the way to June 1927, when the foundations of Serbian aviation were established with the founding of Aeroput, the first national airline, of which we are proud heirs. We achieved extraordinary results during the previous year. We continued in the same rhythm this year as well, until something completely unexpected stopped us in the midst of preparations for new expansions. The Coronavirus pandemic paralysed the entire world and prevented us from doing what we love the most and know best. Airports around the world fell silent, cities, states and borders closed. And yet we once again proved that boundaries do not exist for us. We immediately placed all our resources at the disposal of our country and citizens, tirelessly delivering tonnes of essential medical aid from all parts of the world and bringing home thousands of Serbian citizens who found themselves stranded at airports worldwide. The biggest crisis ever to hit aviation is continuing. After it abates, we will face recovery and development. As the icing on the birthday cake, we received information in mid-September that we were declared one of the three most desirable employers in Serbia, as part of an extensive survey of national employment portal Infostud. We look forward to new opportunities and embarking on paths stronger, wiser and more determined than ever before. Enjoy your flight and have a good trip. SINCERELY YOURS, AIR SERBIA