
28 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Razglednica/Postcard LONDON Prva prodavnica Stonsa Legendarna britanska rok grupa Rolingstonsi otvorila je u Londonu svoju prvu prodavnicu na svetu, u srcu Karnabi strita, kvarta koji je bio centralno mesto muzičke scene šezdesetih godina prošlog veka. Logotipi grupe nalaze se na majicama, jaknama, trzalicama za gitaru za sve one koji žele da imitiraju gitaristu Kita Ričardsa, a tu su i notesi, kišobrani i flašice za vodu. Na ogromnim ekranima u radnji prikazuju se koncerti Stonsa sa njihovim čuvenim hitovima, a na panelima na podu ispisani su tekstovi pesama. FIRST STONES SHOP Legendary British rock band The Rolling Stones have opened their first flagship shop in the world, at the heart of Carnaby Street, the central London neighbourhood that was the focal point of the music scene in the 1960s. The group’s logos appear on T-shirts, jackets and guitar picks, for all those who want to imitate guitarist Keith Richards, while there are also notebooks, umbrellas and water bottles. The shop shows recordings of Stones’ concerts featuring their famous hits on huge screens, while the lyrics of those songs are inscribed on floor panels. ZAGREB Povratak veštica Ko još nije upoznao mističnu stranu Zagreba, sada ima priliku za to zahvaljujući grupi devojaka poznatih kao Zagrebačke gornjogradske coprnice (veštice). Na sajtu Trip advisor uvrstili su ih u sam vrh stvari koje morati doživeti u Zagrebu, a njihove ture uglavnom se održavaju u večernjim satima i predvođene su vešticom koja tokom obilaska grada pripoveda istinite priče o ženama koje su tokom istorije optuživane za veštičja posla. Grupa se zaustavlja na nekoliko lokacija od istorijskog značaja poput Tuškanca, Opatovine, Manduševca, Kaptola, a zanimljivo je i da svi gosti na početku ture dobijaju veštičje šešire. RETURN OF THE WITCH Those who’ve yet to familiarise themselves with the mystical side of Zagreb now have the opportunity to do so thanks to a group of girls known as the Zagreb Upper Town Coprnice (witches). The website Trip Advisor ranked them among the very top “things” that must be experienced in Zagreb. Their tours of the city, which are mostly held during the evenings, are led by a witch who recounts true stories about women who have been accused of witchcraft throughout history. Tour groups stop at several locations of historical importance, such as Tuškanac, Opatovina, Manduševac and Kaptol, while it is also interesting that all guests receive witches hats at the beginning of the tour. KOPENHAGEN COPENHAGEN Muzej sreće Danci su u raznim istraživanjima najčešće na vrhu liste kao najsrećniji narod na svetu, pa zato i ne čudi što je nedavno baš u danskoj prestonici otvoren Muzej sreće. Nalazi se u podrumu jedne zgrade iz 18. veka u starom delu grada, a zadatak muzeja je da prikaže kako se sreća pojavljuje i prikazuje u raznim aspektima naših života i sve to kroz osam prostorija u kojima se sreća posmatra iz različitih uglova. Muzej je interaktivan, posetioci mogu da učestvuju u eksperimentalnoj svetlosnoj terapiji i raznim ogledima, a osnivači muzeja se nadaju da će njihovi gosti otići malo srećniji i malo motivisaniji da svet učine boljim. HAPPINESS MUSEUM Various surveys most often rank Danes at the top of lists of the world’s happiest people, which is why it should come as no surprise that the Happiness Museum recently opened in the Danish capital. Located in the basement of an 18th century building in the old part of the city, the museum’s goal is to show how happiness is achieved and shown in various aspects of our lives, through eight rooms that view happiness from various perspectives. This museum is interactive, allowing visitors to participate in experimental light therapy and various other experiments. Its founders hope that guests will depart slightly happier and more motivated to make the world a better place. profimedia.rs iStock / OGphoto iStock / LeoPatrizi