
Ako uspete tamo, uspećete bilo gde If you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere Čak i u zemlji mogućnosti, Njujork je ostrvo mogućnosti. Privlači najbolje od najboljih. Pa ako imate šta je potrebno da uspete tamo, bićete u redu. Ali niste došli u Veliku jabuku da se takmičite, već da se zabavite, zar ne? Pa hajde! Oktobar je savršen mesec za boravak u Njujorku, vreme je i dalje odlično i možete lako svuda pešaka. Pogotovo ako uhvatite neku paradu koju nikada nećete zaboraviti. Evo nekoliko ideja za zanimljiv odmor u, rekli bi neki, glavnom gradu sveta... Even in the land of opportunity, NYC is THE island of opportunity. It attracts the best of the best from everywhere. So, if you have what it takes to make it there, you’re going to be alright. However, you didn’t come to the Big Apple to compete, you came to have some fun, right? So let’s have some! October is the perfect month to be in New York. The weather is still great and you can walk around easily. And that’s especially so if you catch a parade that you’ll never forget. Here are some ideas for an interesting break in the city that many refer to as the capital of the world… NJUJORK / NEW YORK smarttravel iStock / Austin Paz