
16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Na letu On board MARKO JANKET IĆ, GLUMAC MARKO JANKET IČ, ACTOR Iz aviona je svet kao na dlanu Froma plane it’s like theworld is in the palmof your hand Froman early age I found it fascinating to observe the earth as we ascended fromthe ground and climbed to the heights. Roads and vehicles grew smaller, followed by forests and rivers, and thenmountains, it’s like everything is in the palmof your hand Odmalih nogumi je fascinantno da posmatram zemlju dok se otiskujemo sa tla i penjemo u visine. Drumovi i vozila postaju sve manji, zatim šume i reke, a onda i planine, sve je kao na dlanu Volimda posmatram nebo dok letimo, zato obavezno imam naočare za sunce. I like to observe the sky as we fly, which is why it’s mandatory for me to have sunglasses. Ako putujem na neku dalju destinaciju, ponesem obavezno i žvakaće gume za svež dah. If I’m travelling to some more distant destination, it’s obligatory for me to have chewing gum for fresh breath. Uvek imam tablet, jer spremim filmove koje želimda odgledam. I always have a tablet, because I prepare films that I want to watch. 3 I, naravno, danas u vreme pandemije, ne idem na put bez zaštitne maske za lice. And, of course, during today’s time of the pandemic, I don’t hit the road without a protective face mask Svuda nosim slušalice i listu pesama, koja je obično u duhu destinacije na koju idem. Bez toga ne ulazim u avion. I carry headphones everywhere, and a list of songs that are usually in the spirit of the destination I’m going to, I don’t board a plane without that. 4 5 Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography Milan Ilić 2 1