
Sports » Sport | 101 Sport Sports NBA T R I P L DAB L MAŠ I NA NBA T R I P L E DOUB L E MACH I NE Hoće li Jokić postati gospodar prstena? Will Jokić become the lord of the ring? Ove sezone su svi timovi koji igraju u plej-ofu spakovani u mehur koji se nalazi u Orlandu, nijedna ekipa nema prednost domaćeg terena jer se igra bez publike, a jedan od najozbiljnijih kandidata za osvajanje NBA prstena je Denver, zapravo naš Nikola Jokić All of this season's play-off teams are packed in a bubble located in Orlando, Florida, no team has home court advantage, because matches are played without an audience, and one of the most serious contenders to win an NBA ring is Denver, or our very own Nikola Jokić