
92 | lečio, banju je ukazom iz 1898. predao „narodu okruga podrinjskog na upravljanje i korišćenje“. A onda je kralj Petar Prvi Karađorđević 1904. odlučio da se tu podignemoderna evropska banja. Temelji parnog kupatila, centralnog mesta u Banji, postavljeni su umaju iste godine, a porcelanske kade i blatne kupke bile su na raspologanju gostima tri godine kasnije. Blagotvornim tretmanima prepustio se i sam kralj Petar, već 1908. godine, i od tada je redovno posećivao banju i u njoj boravio ponekad i više od mesec dana godišnje. Pričalo se tada da su čak i neki državnički poslovi morali da sačekaju da se kralj vrati iz Koviljače. Kupatilo danas nosi ime kralja Petra, a u njemu se nalazi i kraljeva kada, koju po želji mogu koristiti banjski gosti. Tada su, jedno za drugim, izgrađeni luksuzni hoteli i vile i uređen je park koji povezuje sve banjske objekte. Mnogi se slažu da je najlepši objekat u banji dvorana Kur-salon, koja je renovirana i sada opet blista u punom sjaju. Ovo prelepo zdanje, simbol Banje, otvoreno je 1932. pod pokroviteljstvom kralja Aleksandra Karađorđevića. Koliko je Kur-salon nekada bio značajan govore i podaci da je u njemu otvorena prva kockarnica na Balkanu, održan prvi izbor za mis Jugoslavije, kao i da je Emir Kusturica tu snimao deo filma Otac na službenom putu, za koji je dobio Zlatnu palmu u Kanu. Srećnici koji su probali neke od njenih blagodeti kažu da su iz Banje odlazili bukvalno preporođeni. By the beginning of the 20th century, Koviljača Spa had become a fashionable gathering place for all thosewho had some elevated status in the social and cultural life of Serbia. It was praticularly favoured by members of the Obrenović and Karađorđević dynasties, which is why it rightly bears the epithet as the royal spa. And it has retained that regal charm even today. As soon as you step into the spa’s park, you will momentarily feel as though you can hear the sounds of a Viennese waltz emanating from the surrounding villas, while couples in lavish attire arrive for a ball. The spa’s famous parkwas designed inan EnglishandFrenchstyle,preciselyasdesiredKing Alexander IObrenović.Heis largelyresponsible for Banja Koviljača becoming known as one of themost beautiful spas in Europe; as a perfect place to recover from illness, but also for relaxation and a proper royal holiday. Koviljačawas ahealth resort as far back as the Illyrian era, while the rst written records, from1533, indicatethatpeoplecameenmasse toexperienceitshealingsprings.The rstguest house, with 10 rooms, was built in 1858. The peopleusedto refer to it as‘Smrdanbanja’, the Stinky Spa, after the smelly ponds of sulphuric water thatbubbleduptothesurfaceforcenturies.Naturallyblacksulphuricmudwascreated inthat swamp, emittingastenchakintothatof burnt gunpowder or rotten eggs. A caravan route ran through the areas of these springs, leading to the emergence of a legendthat thehealingpropertiesof thestinking pools were discovered by the escorts of a caravanwhohad to leave their exhausted and wounded horse there. The horse wallowed in theblackmudandbathedinthewarmsulphuric water. When the travellers returned along thesameroute, theyfoundthat theirhorsewas now healthy and grazing on the grass. This is how legend has it that the healing properties of Koviljača spawere discovered. Writtenaccountsalsoshowthat thebeauties of this spawereenjoyedbywriterDositej ObradovićandphilologistVukKaradžić,while revolutionary leader Karađorđe also treated his wounds there. King Alexander I Obrenović, whowas personally treated there, issued adecree in1898bequeathing this spa to“the peopleof thePodrinjskiDistrict for theirmanagement and use”. Andthen,in1904,KingPeterIKarađorđević decided toconstruct amodernEuropeanspa there. The foundations of the steam bath, as thespa’s central point,were laid inMayof that sameyear,whileporcelainbathtubsandmud bathswereavailabletogueststhreeyears later. The very bene cial treatments were enjoyed by King Peter himself, initially in 1908, after which he became a regular visitor to the spa, sometimesspendingmorethanamonththere each year. It was said at the time that some governmental a airs had towait for the king to return fromKoviljača.Thebaths todaybear the name of King Peter and also contain the king’s bathtub, which spa guests can use if they wish. Luxury hotels and villas then began being built one after the other, with the landscapedparkestablishedthat connectsall facilities of the spa. Many agree that this spa’s most beautiful facilityistheKur-salon,whichhasbeenrenovated and now glistens in its full splendour once again.Thisbeautifulbuilding, representingthe symbol of the spa, was opened in 1932 under thepatronageofKingAlexanderKarađorđević. TestifyingtotheformerimportanceoftheKur-salonis thefact that the rst casino intheBalkans wasopenedthere,the rstMissYugoslaviabeauty pageant was held there and Emir Kusturica shot part of the lm“When Father Was Away on Business”, for which he won a Palme d’Or in Cannes. Those who’ve been lucky enough to sample someof its bene ts say that they returned fromthis spa feeling literally reborn. Kralj Petar Prvi Karađorđević 1904. odlučio je da se ovde podigne moderna evropska banja in 1904, King Peter I Karađorđević decided to construct a modern European spa here