
| 83 3. na Er Srbija leti 12 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Ljubljana Air Serbia ies 12 times a week from Belgrade to Ljubljana Ljubljana 1.20’ Jože Pučnik Trajanje leta Aerodrom Flight time Airport KRAKOVO, TRNOVO I ŠPICA Ako krenete zapadno od centra Ljubljane, naići ćete na neke atraktivne delove grada koji su popularni kod meštana. Možete pronaći mir i tišinu i opustiti se na živopisnom Krakovskom nasipu ili uz kanal Gradaščica. Takođe možete nastaviti duž obala reke, sve do popularne Špice. HRIBARSKI NASIP Hribarski nasip između Dvornog Trga i Koblerskog mosta možda nije toliko širok kao Cankarov nasip s druge strane reke, ali ipak nudi odlična mesta u kojima možete sedeti i uživati u pogledu na raznobojne fasade kuća pored reke, s ljubljanskim dvorcem u pozadini. CANKAROV KEJ Kej nazvan po Ivanu Cankaru vodi od Tromostovlja do Mosta svetog Jakova na desnoj obali reke i dom je najvećem broju barova, kafića i restorana, od kojih većina nudi divan pogled na Ljubljanicu i život na suprotnoj strani reke. Zato se nemojte iznenaditi ako je povremeno velika gužva. 5. 4. HRIBAR EMBANKMENT AND BREG The Hribar Embankment between Dvorni Trg and the Cobblers’ Bridge may not be as wide as the Cankar Embankment on the other side of the river, but it nevertheless o ers some excellent spots where you can sit and enjoy the view of the colourful façades of the riverside houses, with Ljubljana Castle rising in the background. CANKAR EMBANKMENT These two stretches of embankment running from the Triple Bridge to St James’s Bridge on the right bank of the river are home to the greatest concentration of bars, cafés and restaurants. The majority o er delightful views of the River Ljubljanica and life on the opposite bank, so don’t be surprised if they're occasionally crowded. KRAKOVO, TRNOVO AND ŠPICA Heading west from the centre of Ljubljana will lead you to some attractive corners of the city that are popular with locals. You can nd peace and tranquillity and relax on the picturesque Krakovo Embankment or on Eipprova Street by the channel of the Gradaščica. You can also continue further along the river banks, all the way to the popular Špica (or “Point”). Foto / Photo: Ivan Tykhyi Foto / Photo: Dunja Wedam Foto / Photo: Dunja Wedam