
50 | The rst Art Weekend Belgrade, a four-day event aimed at promoting and developing the local contemporary art scene, will take place from 10th to 13th October 2019 at over 25 locations in and around Belgrade. The programme comprises specially prepared gallery exhibitions, organised art tours with the participation of leading local and foreign curators and professionals in the eld of contemporary art, and will also present Sven Marquardt’s NEXT exhibition. During May and June 2018, under the scope of KC Grad’s ‘Artist in Residence’ project, German photographer Sven Marquardt worked outside Berlin for the rst time in this thirty-year career, and he expressed the great inspiration he found during his stay in Belgrade in a series of photographs which have Belgrade residents as their main characters. Sven is actually a German photographer who shot his rst photographs back in the early 1980s in East Berlin. He’s been dealing intensively ever since with analogue photography under natural lighting, which is a speci c characteristic of his work. Why analogue photography; what are the advantages over digital? - Analogue photography has a long tradition and is also traditional tome, for more than 30 years. Peoplewho’ve in uencedme include some great East German photographers and also some international photographers like Mapplethorpe, Lindbergh etc. The camera and analogue photography became the stylistic device and method to express inspired life and still remain so to this day. Digital photography serves the spirit of the times in the fast-changing world of today. The constant consuming and discarding of pictures is not something that suits me. You shot portraits of the people of Belgrade. What kind of people are they; what is your opinion so far? Do they di er from others? Which emotion is dominant in their expressions? - I’ve been travelling around the world with my photos over the last few years. But in 2018 Belgrade became the rst stop abroad with my camera. Until that moment, all my pictures had been conceived and shot in Berlin. I previously never knew whether they could be created and taken somewhere abroad. My interest in foreign countries was always strong. The idea of a residency in Belgrade is based on the vision and hospitality of curator Ljudmila Stratimirović. It has been a challenge for all of us. Five weeks isn’t a long time, but I met people of di erent generations and from di erent layers of society in both new and old Belgrade. Each of them is a representative of a great city on the rise and in transition. Is there anything that all the people you photograph have in common, regardless of where they came from? - I have to look at everybody I meet with a newperspective. It doesn’t matter where on Earth, it is the same way in front of my camera. Maybe there is something that all models have in common or which connects them – basic trust, in getting involved together in the same moment both in front of and behind the camera?! What will we see at the NEXT exhibition in October? - After the exhibition at Belgrade’s KC GRAD in 2017, we will show 35 large format portraits in front of a building in central Belgrade inOctober 2019. Displaying photographies in such a public space is also a total new experience for me and I’m very excited and happy to have the opportunity to visit Belgrade again. ke bile koncipirane i snimljene u Berlinu. Nikada nisam znao mogu li biti stvorene negde u inostranstvu. Moje interesovanjeza stranezemljeuvek je biloveliko, a idejaradauBeograduzasniva se na viziji i gostoprimstvu kustosaLjudmileStratimirović. To jebio izazov za sve nas. Pet nedelja nije dugo, aliupoznaosamljuderazličitihgeneracija i iz različitih slojevadruštva, i u novom, i u starom Beogradu. Svaki od njih je predstavnik jednog velikog grada u usponu i tranziciji. Postoji li nešto zajedničko za ljude koje fotografišete, bez obzira na to odakle dolaze? – Moram sagledati svakog koga sretnem iz novog ugla i drugačije. NijebitnogdenaZemlji, ispredmojekamere jeuvek isto.Moždapostoji nešto što svimodeli imaju zajedničko ili što ih povezuje, a to je poverenje da smo u istom trenutku zajedno ispred i iza kamere. Šta ćemo videti na vašoj izložbi u oktobru? – Nakon izložbe u beogradskom KC Grad 2017. ovog puta pokazaćemo35portretavelikog formata ispred zgradeucentruBeograda.Prikazivanje fotografijau takvomjavnomprostoru takođe jezamenepotpunonovo iskustvo i veoma sam uzbuđen i vrlo srećanšto imamprilikudaponovoposetim Beograd.