
24 | RADIVOJE BUKVIĆ, GLUMAC RADIVOJE BUKVIĆ, ACTOR Nakon 10 godina domaća publika može da vas gleda kako glumite na maternjem jeziku. Šta je bilo ključno u odluci da se posle toliko vremena vratite na srpske TV ekrane u seriji Besa? – Posle prvog čitanja bilo mi je jasno da se sa ovako kvalitetno napisanim scenariom na srpskom jeziku nisam nikad sreo. Posle višegodišnjeg i promišljenog radana likovima, događajima, situacijamakoji kraseovupričuproducenti su takođe imali zanimljivu zamisao. „Obratiti se stranom gledaocu“ i potruditi se da je njemu ispričamo. Ova dva argumenta su bila dovoljna da prihvatim izazov da tumačim lik glavnog junakaUroša Perića, kome se „nebo obrušava na glavu“. Naš proizvod dostigaojesvetski standardvelikihserijana Netfliksu, što objašnjava zašto su interesovanje za Besu do sada pokazale mnoge televizije Evrope, Azije i Amerike. Srbijapostajesvetskadestinacijazasnimanjestranihprodukcija.Upravo jezavršeno snimanje nekoliko stranih serija i filmova, a sve veći broj naših filmskih radnika je angažovanoutimprodukcijama.Da li jenašazemljadostiglanivosvetskihprodukcija? –Srbija jeuposlednjihnekolikogodina postala vrlo primamljiva za filmske usluge najpoznatijimsvetskimstudijima i produkcijama. Razloge toga treba tražiti u zakonu koji obezbeđuje povraćaj poreza svimstranim filmskim kompanijama, što je svetski standard, ali i uvisokomnivoukvaliteta rada naših filmskih radnika, koji zasad premašuju očekivanja, a poneki i oduševljavajustraneproducentekoji sudosadasnimali u Srbiji. Koliko sam upoznat, brojke govore da je tendencija snimanja stranih filmova u našoj zemlji u porastu, i to je ohrabrujuće za sve nas. Francuskaakademijafilmskihumetnosti vas jenominovalazačuvenunagradu Cezar ukategoriji „Mladanada francuskogfilma“, a postali ste i kreativni ambasador naše zemlje. Šta ovakve nominacije i „titule“ znače za vas profesionalno i lično? – Lepo je kada esnaf i društvo prepoznaju i nagrade vaš rad i trud. To zaista prija svakom umetniku, pa i meni naravno, međutimpriznanja ne smeju postati sama sebi svrha, niti lični cilj. Ja na njih gledam kao na dodatnu motivaciju. After a break of 10 years, the audience of your homeland is nally able to watch you act in your mother tongue. Whatwas thekey toyoudeciding to return toSerbianTV screens after so much time in the series “Besa”? - It was clear to me after the rst reading that I’d never previously come across such a well-written script in Serbian. After many years of thoughtful work on the characters, events and situations that comprise this story, the producers also had an interesting idea. “Address a foreign viewer” and strive to tell the story to him. These two arguments were enough to compel me to accept the challenge of playing the main character, Uroš Perić, who experiences “the sky falling onhis head”. Our product has reached the global standardof amajor series onNet x, whichexplains why somany European, Asian andAmerican television companies have so far shown an interest in “Besa”. Serbia is becoming a world destination for shooting foreign productions. Shooting of several foreign series and lms has just been completed, with an increasingnumber of our lm industry workers having been engaged in these productions. Has our country reached the level of world productions? -Serbiahasbecomeveryenticingfor lmservicesamongtheworld’smost famousstudiosand productioncompanies inrecentyears.Thereasons for this shouldbe sought in the lawproviding tax refunds to all foreign lm companies, which is a worldstandard, but also in thehighqualityof the level of work of our lm industry workers, which currentlyexceedsexpectationsandoftendelights foreignproducerswhohaveshot inSerbiatodate. As far as I’maware, gures show that the tendency to shoot foreign lms in our country is on the rise, and that’s encouraging to all of us. The French Academy of Cinematic Arts has nominatedyoufor thefamous César Award, inthe category of “Most Promising for French cinema”, whileyou’vealsobecomeacreativeambassador ofour country.Whatdosuchnominationsand“titles”mean to you professionally and personally? - It’s nicewhen guilds and society recognise and reward your work and e ort. That really gladdens every artist, myself included of course, but acknowledgements mustn’t become an end or personal goal in themselves. I view them as additional motivation. I STRANCI ŽELENAŠUBESU EVEN FOREIGNERSWANTOUR “BESA” Publika u Srbiji konačno ima priliku da u glavnoj ulozi u jednoj domaćoj seriji gleda Radivoja Rašu Bukvića, glumca koji je poslednjih godina osvajao Evropu i Holivud igrajući u filmovima „Transporter“, „Taken“, „A Good Day to Die Hard“ The Serbian public has nally been given the opportunity to see Radivoje ‘Raša’ Bukvić in the lead role of a domestic series, after this actor spent recent years conquering Europe andHollywoodwith roles in the lms Transporter, Taken, AGoodDay toDie Hard etc. Radivoje Bukvić je kreativni ambasador platforme Srbija stvara. Platforma obuhvata sistemske mere za razvoj sektora kreativnih industrija i inovacija i jačanja kulturne diplomatije. Više na www.serbiacreates.rs/ Radivoje Bukvić is a creative ambassador of the Serbia Creates platform. This platform encompasses systemic measures aimed at developing the sector of the creative industries and innovation, as well as strengthening cultural diplomacy. For more information visit www.serbiacreates.rs