
86 | Srbija » Serbia SVETI DIMITRIJE (8. novembar) Svetitelj Dimitrije rođen je i živeo u Solunu. Propovedao je hrišćanstvo u rodnom gradu, zbog čega je bio izveden pred cara, koji je naredio da ga utamniče. U zatvorskoj ćeliji su ga ubili vojnici zatekavši ga u molitvi. VEROVANJA: Uoči Mitrovdana treba da je svako kod svoje kuće, da ne bi cele godine lutao. Do tada treba da budu završeni svi veliki poslovi u polju, jer je loša sreća da se ostavi za posle praznika. Za Mitrovdan se veruje i da predskazuje kakva će biti zima. Ako je dan sunčan, zima će biti blaga, a ako padne sneg, zadržaće se sve do aprila. U Srbiji postoji i verovanje da na Mitrovdan ne treba grditi malu decu, jer će navodno onda cele godine biti nestašna. SVETI ARHANGEL MIHAILO (21. novembar) ArhangelMihailo vođa je nebeskih vojski koji se uvek javljao na mestima na kojima se javljala i Bogorodica, tako da predstavlja nebesku silu i zaštitu na zemlji. Od ranihhrišćanskihvremenapredstavlja se sa kopljemudesnoj ruci koje upire na Sotonu. VEROVANJA: Na Aranđelovdan treba širiti dobre misli, a siromašne i nemoćne ne smete da terate od sebe. Govori se da u ovo vreme Arhangel luta svetom obučen u prosjaka da izgrdi nevernike i pomogne nevoljnicima, pa nikako ne treba siromašne oterati s kućnog praga jer možda je baš to Arhangel Mihailo. SAINT DEMETRIUS (8th November) Saint Demetrius was born and lived in Thessaloniki. He preachedChristianity inhis hometown, which led to him being brought before the emperor, who ordered that he be imprisoned. He was murdered in his cell by soldiers who found him in prayer. BELIEFS: On the eve ofMitrovdan, everyone shouldbe in their ownhome, inorder toavoid spending the entire year wandering. All major work in the fields should be completed by that time, because it is bad luck to leave that work until after the holidays. Mitrovdan is also believed to predict what the upcoming winter will be like. If the day is sunny, thewinter will be mild, but if it snows, winter will last until April.There is also a belief inSerbia that little children shouldn’t be scolded onMitrovdan, because if they are they will supposedly be naughty throughout the entire year ahead. SAINTMICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL (21st November) TheArchangelMichael is the leader of the heavenly armies, whohas always appeared in places where the HolyMother of God has alsoappeared, sohe representsheavenlypower andprotectiononearth.Hehasbeenpresented since the time of the first Christians holding a spear in his right hand that he points towards Lucifer. BELIEFS:OnAranđelovdan, the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, one should spread positive thoughts, while the poor andweak shouldn’t be rejected. It is said FOTO:Depositphotos / Branko B. Jovanović / Konstantinos Tsakalidis / Alamy / Natalya Onishchenko / Alamy