
84 | Srbija » Serbia RitamSrbije Rhythmof Serbia FOTO:Đorđe Kojadinović S IMBOL J EDNOG NARODA Srećna slava, domaćine! Više od sedam vekova gotovo svaka pravoslavna porodica u Srbiji slavi svog sveca. Tada se ukućani okupe da uz drage ljude, rođake, prijatelje i slavsku gozbu odaju počast svom nebeskom zaštitniku SYMBOL OF A NAT I ON Happy saint’s day, hosts! Formore than sevencenturies, almost everyOrthodox family inSerbiahas been celebrating their patron saint. It is then that householdmembers gatherwith their dearest, relatives, friends and theSlava feast – topayhomage to their heavenlyprotector