
Exibition » Izložba | 65 Kolekcija odeće i aksesoara Jovanke Broz predstavlja jedinstven spoj Zapada i Istoka The collection of Jovanka Broz's clothes and accessories represents a unique fusion of West and East Igor Todorović: Manifest jednog vremena „Umodnomsmislu, koji nam i jeste bio osnovna smernica pri koncepciji ove izložbe, ovo je aklamativan primer poštovanja tkanine, kroja, dizajna, zanatstva i neverbalne komunikacije kroz boje i detalje koji su birani za brojna javna pojavljivanja nekadašnje prve dame“, naglašava kreator Igor Todorović, direktor projekta. Saradnja sa imenima poput Aleksandra Joksimovića, Anđelke Slijepčević, Klare Rotšild, ateljea i krojačkih radnji širom SFRJ, koji potpisuju komade iz zbirke, kao i prestižnim imenima iz svetskogmodnog sveta, svakako je i svojevrstanmanifest poštovanja tekstilne industrije i industrije kože u nekadašnjoj zemlji, kao i lične posvećenosti značajumode u formalnom i državničkomsmislu. IGOR TODOROVIĆ: MANIFESTOOF AN ERA In terms of fashion, which was our basic directivewhen conceiving this exhibition, this is an inimitable example of respect for fabric, cut, design, craftsmanship and non-verbal communication through the colours and details that were selected for the numerous public appearances of the former first lady, stresses director and project creator Igor Todorović. Her cooperationwith names like Aleksandar Joksimović, Anđelka Slijepčević, Klara Rotschild, fashion ateliers and tailoringworkshops throughout the SFRY, who sign pieces included in the collection, but also prestigious names of world fashion, certainly represents amanifesto of respect for the textile and leather industries of the former country, but also her personal commitment to the importance of fashion in a formal and statehood sense.