
Rampart Marko Grba Singh jedan je od najprodornijih savremenih mladih stvaralaca sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije, čiji su kratkometražni filmovi prikazivani i nagrađivani širom sveta. Nakon premijere na filmskom festivalu u Lokarnu autorovo prvo dugometražno ostvarenje Rampart biće predstavljeno u okviru programa Hrabri Balkan. U svom izrazito intimnom i snažnom filmu Grba Singh sukobljava prizore iz praznog roditeljskog stana sa porodičnim VHS snimcima NATO bombardovanja 1999. godine uspostavljajući dijalog između sadašnjosti i prošlosti. RAMPART Marko Grba Singh is among the contemporary young creators of the former Yugoslavia that are the most penetrating, with his short films having been screened and awarded worldwide. Following its premiere screening at the Locarno Film Festival, this author's first feature film, Rampart, will be presented under the auspices of FAF’s Brave Balkans programme. In his decidedly intimate and powerful film, Grba Singh confronts scenes from his parents’ empty apartment with family VHS recordings of the 1999 NATO bombing, thus establishing a dialogue between present and past. Kelti Nakon svetske premijere u okviru programa Panorama filmskog festivala u Berlinu i regionalne na Sarajevo film festivalu – gde je autorka nagrađena za režiju – debitantski film Kelti rediteljke Milice Tomović svoju domaću premijeru imaće na FAF-u. Ova porodična drama smeštena je u Beograd pod sankcijama 1993. godine, gde na dečjem rođendanu, kroz nekoliko generacija, autorka iskreno i duhovito postavlja pitanja o nestanku zemlje i gubitku identiteta. CELTS Following its world premiere within the scope of Berlin Film Festival’s Panorama programme and its regional premiere at the Sarajevo Film Festival - where the author received a directing award – Celts, the debut film of director Milica Tomović, will have its domestic premiere during FAF. This family drama is set in Belgrade during the times of sanctions in 1993, where a child's birthday party allows the author, through several generations, to honestly and humorously pose questions about the collapse of the country and the loss of identity… Festival » Festival | 47