
114 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia ER SRBI JA INFO / AIR SERBIA INFO First Officer Ognjen Vesić Ognjena Vesića, kopilota Tri pitanja za... Three questions for... Koji let će vam zauvek ostati u sećanju i zbog čega? – Svaki je let poseban, naravno, neki se izdvajaju i ostanu u sećanju. Za mene je to svakako prvi komercijalni let, nakon završene obuke na simulatoru. Kada uđete u saobraćaj, kada stvar postane živa i vidite putnike koji se ukrcavaju, onda postanete svesni čime se zapravo bavite... Dakle, prvi let u Er Srbiji je zauvek urezan u moje sećanje na najlepši način. Šta vas ljudi najčešće pitaju kad čuju da ste pilot? – Mnogo je pitanja, ljudima posao pilota deluje fascinantno. Najčešće pitaju kako se postaje pilot i da li sve vreme upravljamo ili koristimo autopilot. Kao i pitanja u vezi sa turbulencijom i neprijatnostima kojima su ponekad izloženi u toku leta. Koji je najveći kompliment za jednog pilota? – Od komplimenata svakako najviše prijaju oni od iskusnijih kolega i instruktora nakon završenog leta ili neke uspešne provere. Naravno, uživamo u pohvalama putnika u prolazu i aplauzima nakon sletanja. Takođe, prija kad vam neko oda priznanje za posao kojim se bavite, naročito ako imate na umu da do toga niste došli lako. Which flight will you always remember and why? “Everyflight is special, though, of course, some stand out and remain in the memory. For me, that is certainly my first commercial flight after completing training on the simulator. When you enter traffic, when everything comes to lifeandyousee thepassengersas theyareboarding, then youbecome aware of what you’re actually dealingwith... So, thefirst flight atAir Serbia is forever etched inmymemory, in the most beautiful way.” What do people most commonly ask when they hear that you’re a pilot? “There are lots of questions, as the job ofapilotseemstofascinate people. They most often ask: how do you become a pilot? Do you man the controls the whole timeordoyouusethe autopilot? But there are also questions related to turbulence and the unpleasantness that they are sometimes exposed toduring aflight". What’s the greatest compliment a pilot can receive? “When it comes to compliments, the ones that feel best are certainly those coming frommore experienced colleagues and instructors after the completionof aflight or some successful checks. Of course, we enjoy the compliments of passing passengers and the applause upon landing. Likewise, it feels nice when someone gives you recognition for the job that you do, especially if you bear in mind that you didn't reach that position easily.” Prvi let u Er Srbiji je zauvek urezan u moje sećanje na najlepši način The first flight at Air Serbia is forever etched in my memory, in the most beautiful way