
At Air Serbia we work with dedication towards achieving our goals in terms of improving our natural environment. We strive to always remain up to date with the latest trends in the field of aviation industry sustainability U Er Srbiji posvećeno radimo na dostizanju ciljeva u pogledu unapređenja naše životne sredine. Trudimo se da uvek budemo u toku sa najnovijim trendovima iz oblasti održivosti u avio-industriji Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 49 SUSTAINABLEOPERATIONS AIR SERBIA IN THE BATTLE FOR A GREEN PLANET With the daily connecting of people, countries, cultures and economies, aviationmakes the world a better place. And it’s precisely because of the great benefits that it brings that this industry must do everything in its power to reduce its environmental impact, which is something that every human activity has HERE AT AIR SERBIAWE STRIVE to include caring for the environment in our daily operations. This relates primarily to optimising pilots’ procedures, undertaking special ways of maintaining aircraft, reducing loadweights and recyclingwaste. As a result of the activities implemented, fuel consumption has reduced by 13% since 2014, and during 2019wemanaged to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by almost three thousand tonnes, thanks to our dedication and constant work on improving fuel efficiency programmes. Wemonitor the results that we achieve in different ways. As of this October, we’ve been applying a new system for measuring and reporting on fuel consumption through comparisons of planned and realised operating procedures, before, during and after flights. Even the slightest improvements are important to us. Air Serbia has been participating actively in the EU’s ETS process since 2013, which implies themonitoring of carbon dioxide emissions on the territory of the European Union, and since 2019 the airline has also been participating in the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). Serbia is one of 88 countries participating voluntarily in the CORSIA scheme, which will bemandatory for all countries as of 2027. Air Serbia will continue to care for the environment through the constant implementation of procedures that contribute to reducing its environmental impact, as well as through its participation in “green” projects. Od početka izveštavanja regulatornim telima, emisija ugljen-dioksida Er Srbije je u okviru dozvoljenih vrednosti / Air Serbia’s carbon dioxide emissions have been within permitted limits since the start of reporting to regulatory bodies Ana Šćekić (specijalista za operativnu efikasnost i učinak), Tatjana Manojlović (viši menadžer kancelarije za transformaciju) i Ehat Goranić (ekspert za operativnu efikasnost i učinak) Ana Šćekić (Operations Efficiency and Perfor+mance Specialist), Tatjana Manojlović (Head of Transformation Office) and Ehat Goranić (Operations Efficiency and Performance Expert) RAS / Đorđe Kojadinović