
18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia smarttravel me scan HRVATSKA / CROATIA 70min TRAJANJE LETA DO ZAGREBA FLIGHT DURATION TO ZAGREB Prema legendi, nakon velike suše iz vrleti Velebita spustila se Crna kraljica i uz siloviti vetar i grmljavinu sručila se kiša, koja je padala toliko dugo da su se stvorila jezera / According to legend, the Black Queen descended from the Velebit cliffs following a great drought and, with a strong wind and thunderstorm, brought rain that fell for so long that these lakes were formed Avanturisti Plitvice treba da posete zimi, kad se zamrznu slapovi i jezera / Adventurers should visit Plitvice during winter, when the waterfalls and lakes freeze over Plitvice - magic of the Black Queen The Plitvice Lakes represent one of the most beautiful natural monuments anywhere in Balkans, which have been included on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites since 1979. The lakes are fed by waters from local mountain streams that initially flow into the highest lake, Prošćansko Lake, and head from there through 12 Upper and 4 Lower lakes, over waterfalls, rapids and cascades, until leaving the lowest lake and continuing along the River Korana. Apart from beautiful turquoise and crystal clear mountain lakes, this area also boasts the largest waterfall in Croatia, the Great Waterfall, Veliki Slap (78m), while the forests around the lakes are inhabited by brown bears, lynxes and wolves. Plitvice - magija Crne kraljice Plitvička jezera su jedan od najlepših spomenika prirode na čitavom Balkanu, od 1979. se nalaze i na listi Uneskove baštine. Jezera se vodom hrane od lokalnih planinskih vodotoka koji se ulivaju u najviše Prošćansko jezero i odatle kreće njen put kroz 12 gornjih i četiri donja jezera preko vodopada, brzaka i slapova, sve dok iz najnižeg jezera ne nastavi svoj put kroz reku Koranu. Osim prelepih tirkiznih i bistrih planinskih jezera, ovde se nalazi najveći vodopad u Hrvatskoj – Veliki slap (78 metara), a šume oko jezera nastanjuju mrki medved, ris i vuk. profimedia / Sorin Colac Alamy iStock / Massimo-S8