
106 | London » London WithHarry at ablizzardswept Hogwarts LONDON AND THE SEASON OF MAG I C HeWho Must Not Be Named has, fortunately, long since disintegrated, but all our heroes from the Harry Potter stories are still there, in this snow-covered castle fromWarner Bros. studios Winterhas arrived intheworldof wizardry, and with it a proper pre-Christmas atmosphere. At Hogwarts everything is ready for a celebration lasting from 14th November until 21st January, so you can expect an owl to arrive with a letter fromDumbledore at anymoment. Destination London, Warner Bros. Studio, a genuine treat for all fans of the most famous wizard of all, the boy who lived - Harry Potter. Glistening Christmas trees line the entire length of the Great Hall of the castle, while placed on the long tables are replicas of the specialities of the festive feast, including the famous flaming Christmas puddings. e upper part of the hall is decorated with snow, icicles and an orchestra filled with magical instruments. In other parts of the castle are fires with special effects smouldering in the fireplaces, Gryffindor’s dormitory is full of Christmas treats and, of course, the whole of Hogwarts is covered with a special snowy cover. Here you can discover everything about J. K. Rowling’s heroes, check out props and costumes, lose yourself in spells and learn a little magic. You will enjoy yourself even if you’re a big child, and while you’re in London don’t miss out on visiting King’s Cross station, where you’ll really find a platform9 ¾! In no way should you run head first through the wall, because you won’t find the platform like in the films, and you could certainly end up in the casualty ward. Still, the 9 ¾ sign with a luggage cart that disappears into the wall is there, and can be utilised to take photos andmake memories. And finally, theMillenniumBridge. Even though the Death Eaters destroyed it, as we all clearly saw, it is actually still standing! Of course, Harry Potter isn’t the only reason to traverse the youngest bridge over the ames, because the view of St. Paul’s Cathedral is also unforgettable. However, if you recall the year 2000 and the bridge’s initial opening, and the fact that the bridge started to sway dangerously, which led to it being closed for awhile… Hmm, perhaps wizards are slightly guilty after all! DEST INACI JA DEST INAT ION Mnogo je razloga da prošetate najmlađim mostom na Temzi, ali to činite na sopstvenu odgovornost. Nikad se ne zna… There are many reasons to traverse the youngest bridge over the Thames, but that’s something you do at your own risk. You never know… iStock / S. Greg Panosiani KEITHMAYHEW Alamyprofimedia