
10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Na letu On board VESNA ČIPČIĆ, GLUMICA VESNA ČI PČIĆ, ACTRESS Sa avionima ne gubimo vreme With planeswe don’t waste time Planes aremay favourite formof transport, because I can get tomy desired goal in the shortest possible time. Time ismoney for me, and I don’t want to lose it. Perhaps this statement of mine isn’t very popular, but that’s the way it is Avioni sumi omiljeno prevozno sredstvo jer u najkraćem vremenskom periodu stignem na cilj. Zamene je vreme novac i ne želimda ga gubim. Možda ovamoja rečenica nijemnogo popularna na ovim prostorima, ali je tako Bez punjača za telefon ne mogu jer je ujedno i punjač za elektronske cigarete koje pušim, nažalost I can’t travel without a phone charger, because it’s also the charger for the e-cigarettes that I smoke, unfortunately Imam jedan mali ventilator koji radi tako što se zakači na mobilni i lepo me hladi kada mi je to potrebno I have a little fan that works in such a way that it can be attached to my mobile phone, and it keeps me cool nicely when I need that Nosim i mali bežični zvučnik i putemblututa mogu da slušam muziku za vreme leta I also carry a small cordless speaker that I can listen to during a flight, via Bluetooth and my telephone 3 Ručni prtljagmi je uvek jedan kofer koji može da izdrži moju težinu, jer ja sedim na njemu. Mnogo puta se pokazalo kao vrlo praktična stvar My hand luggage is always a suitcase that can take my weight, because I sit on it. This has proven to be a practical thing on many occasions Kutijica za kartice je obavezan ručni prtljag A cardholder case is a mandatory part of my hand luggage 4 5 Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Zoran Ilić 2 1