
60 | ko mlada, zaista nisam shvatala kakva je to odgovornost. Možda je to i sreća, jer da sam shvatala, od straha sigurno ne bih pristala. Bili ste potpuna početnica na sceni? – Da, bila sampočetnica. U svakompogledu. Pevanje mi je donelo gotovo sve. Posao, putovanja, ljubav... Sa suprugom Nenadom Šarićem Bradom, bubnjarom u grupi, bila sam u srećnom braku 25 godina, preminuo je 2012. Dobili smo sina Luku (25) i ćerku Leu (23). Čegasteseodreklizbogpopularnostinapopsceni bivše Jugoslavije? –Jedinonisamuspeladazavršimfakultet.Dugosam žalila, sada više ne. Ne žalim za sociologijom, na neki način sam kroz rad na televiziji, na različitim projektima, uspela da ostvarim neke snove. Naravno da je popularnost potpuno promenila moj život. Da nisamušla u grupu, moj bi život sigurnoišaonekimdrugimtokom.Kojim, neznam. Čime se bavite kad ne pevate u grupi? – Kao solista ne nastupam, na televizijama radimod 1992. Sada samna hrvatskoj Novoj TV, većdrugusezonuu INmagazinu, popularnoj lajfstajl emisiji radnimdanimauređujemi vodimrubriku Kuhanje je IN. Veselime radna televiziji. U Zagrebu pripremam i mjuzikl Menopauza. Premijera je bila krajem oktobra, naporne su probe, ali jedva čekamo da predstava krene. Koji savet dajetemlađimmuzičarima? –Danasjemladimalakšejerpostojeplatforme, društvenemreženakojimasemogupokazati.Ali to je i teže, jer je zagušeno svime i svačim. Pametansavet nemam, osimdabudusvoji, anekopije. Vaša deca su krenula svojimputevima... – Da, Luka u Holandiji završava matematički fakultet. Lea u Londonu studira na džez akademiji. Odrasli su, samostalni i moje i suprugovo najveće dostignuće. Desilavamselepaljubavnapriča.Priželjkujete li novu ljubav? – Kad imaš tako lepu i jaku ljubav, ona ne nestaje. Svaki deo života i sve što radimpodsećame namog supruga. Deca, naravno, najviše. Ne razmišljam o novoj ljubavi, dobro mi je ovako. Imam porodicu, decu, prijatelje, mir i prirodu. I da ne zaboravim, najslađeg psa na svetu. Ne nedostajemi ništa, osim ljudi koji više nisu sa mnom, a imam sve što mi treba. Kako punite baterije? – Šetnje prirodom, uz more ili reku, to mi je neophodno. Jedvačekamslobodnedanedapobegnemusvoj kutakuraj na reciMrežnici. Strespobeđujemprirodom, šetnjama, dobrom knjigom i čašom crnog vina. Kad se odmaram, nisam pri mobilnom telefonu, niti televizoru. I ne pratim što se događa. Planirate li neki put za svoj merak? – Posle koncerata imjuzikla, ko zna štome čeka. Tako je i najbolje. Na proleće se spremam u Portugal, tamo još nisam bila. Volim sva prevozna sredstva, automobile, avione i brodove. Kao i svaka žena, u koferima nosim uvek svega previše. Čimemerite vreme? –Nemampojma kolikomi duša ima godina, ona se nemeri godinama, bezvremena je. Telomi je žene ugodinama.Otrećemdobunerazmišljampreviše. Samoneka samzdrava i nek su deca zdrava. I biće sve u redu. At such a young age, I really didn’t realise what kind of responsibility that was. Perhaps that was actually fortunate, because I’d certainly have been too scared to accept if I had understood. Were youa complete newcomer to the stage? -Yes, Iwas anovice... inevery sense. Singingbroughtmealmost everything –work, travel, love.. I was happilymarried for 25 years to my husband Nenad ‘Brada’ Šarić, the band’s drummer, who passed away in 2012.We received a son, Luka (25), and a daughter, Lea (23). Whatdidyousacri ceduetoyourpopularityonthepopscene of the former Yugoslavia? -Theonly thing I didn’tmanagewas tocompleteuniversity. I regretted that for a long time, but not any longer. I’mnot sorry for sociology, and in some ways – throughmy work on television, on various projects – I succeeded in realising some dreams.Of course, popularitychangedmy lifecompletely. If I hadn’t joined theband,my lifewouldcertainlyhave gone in some other direction. I don’t knowwhich. What do youdowhen you’re not singing in the band? - Idon’tperformasasoloist; I’vebeenworkingontelevision since 1992. I’m now on Croatia’s Nova TV, for the secondseasonin“INmagazin”, apopularweekdaylifestyle showthat I edit, and I present the feature“Cooking is IN”. I enjoyworkingon television. InZagreb I’malsopreparing themusical Menopause. The premiere was at the end of October; the rehearsals have been gruelling, but we can hardly wait for the show to start. What advicewould yougive to youngermusicians? - It’s easier today for youngsters, because there are existing platforms and social networks through which they can present themselves. But that’s also harder, because they’re congested with anything and everything. I don’t have any smart advice, except to be themselves and not copies. Your childrenhave gone their ownway... -Yes, Luka is inHollandcompletinghis studies at the faculty of mathematics. Lea is studying at the Jazz Academy in London. They have grown up, independent, and are thegreatest achievement ofmyself andmyhusband. You experienced a beautiful love story. Do you desire anew love? -Whenyouhave suchabeautiful andstrong love, it doesn’t disappear. Every part of life and everything I do remindsme ofmy husband.Our kids themost, of course. I’mnot thinkingabout somenew love; I’m ne like this. I have family, children, friends, peace and nature. And, lest I forget, the cutest dog in the world. I don’t miss anything other than the people who are no longer withme, and I have everything I need. Howdo you charge your batteries? - By walking in nature, beside the sea or a river... that’s essential for me. I can hardly wait for days o so I can ee tomy little corner of paradise on the River Mrežnica. I overcome stress through nature, walking, a goodbook and a glass of redwine.When I’mresting, I’mnot onmy cell phone or by theTV. And I don’t keep track of what’s happening. Are youplanninga trip for your pleasure? - After the concerts and the musical, who knows what awaits me? That’s the best way. In the spring I’ll be preparing in Portugal, I still haven’t been there. I love all modes of transport – cars, planes andboats. Likeeverywoman, Ialwayscarrytoomuchinmysuitcases. Howdo youmeasure the course of time? - I haveno ideahowoldmy soul is; it doesn’t count inyears – it’s timeless.Mybody is that of awoman inher later years. I’mnot thinking toomuch about the third age. Just let me be healthy and let my kids be healthy. And everything will be ne. / : I have no idea how old my soul is; it doesn’t count in years – it’s timeless. My body is that of a woman in her later years Nemam pojma koliko mi duša ima godina, ona se ne meri godinama, bezvremena je. Telo mi je žene u godinama